I witnessed a strange behavior while testing my blinds on Dashticz.
Inside, Domoticz, no problems at all, everything is working as intended.
Meanwhile, when I'm using the blind inside Dashticz, the "STOP" button isn't working as intended.
When using it, it sent twice the json request to Domoticz API instead of once.
Code: Select all
var blind_room1 = 12;
blocks[blind_room1] = {}
blocks[blind_room1]['title'] = 'Blind of Room1';
blocks[blind_room1]['width'] = 6;
blocks[blind_room1]['last_update'] = false;
The problem is:
When my blind is receiving the first request, it stopped, but when the second request occured, he started again to move xD, so I can't use the stop button properly, because it's not stopping xD
(I'm using the beta btw)