Dashticz Dial - Features, Fixes & Updates

Dashticz, alternative dashboard based on HTML, CSS, jQuery

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Re: Dashticz Dial - Features, Fixes & Updates

Post by Vondee »

Lokonli wrote: Monday 12 April 2021 16:14
Vondee wrote: Monday 12 April 2021 13:53 I have a custom dial with a 'CounterToday' value, but it does show now the 'Data' field of the variable with the 3.8.0 version. Version 3.6.7 do show 'CounterToday' correctly.
Can you post your block definition?

and the Domoticz json ouput of your device:

Code: Select all

Replace 123 with your Domoticz device id.

Preferably add a screen shot of the problem as well.
Dashticz Block definition

Code: Select all

blocks['Solar'] = {
        title: 'PV',
        type: 'dial',
        width: 6,
        showring: true,
        flash: false,
        shownumbers: true,
        showunit: true,
        last_update: false,
        min: 0,
        max: 30,
        values : [
                        value: 'CounterToday',
                        idx: 337,
                        unit: 'kWh'
                        value: 'Usage',
                        idx: 337,
                        icon: 'fas fa-solar-panel',
                        unit: 'W'


Json Output:

Code: Select all

"ActTime" : 1618227367,
	"AstrTwilightEnd" : "22:42",
	"AstrTwilightStart" : "04:49",
	"CivTwilightEnd" : "21:11",
	"CivTwilightStart" : "06:20",
	"DayLength" : "13:41",
	"NautTwilightEnd" : "21:54",
	"NautTwilightStart" : "05:37",
	"ServerTime" : "2021-04-12 13:36:07",
	"SunAtSouth" : "13:45",
	"Sunrise" : "06:55",
	"Sunset" : "20:36",
	"app_version" : "2020.2",
	"result" : 
			"AddjMulti" : 1.0,
			"AddjMulti2" : 1.0,
			"AddjValue" : 0.0,
			"AddjValue2" : 0.0,
			"BatteryLevel" : 255,
			"CounterToday" : "8.967 kWh",
			"CustomImage" : 0,
			"Data" : "15481.811 kWh",
			"Description" : "",
			"EnergyMeterMode" : "",
			"Favorite" : 1,
			"HardwareID" : 4,
			"HardwareName" : "Weerdata",
			"HardwareType" : "Dummy (Does nothing, use for virtual switches only)",
			"HardwareTypeVal" : 15,
			"HaveTimeout" : false,
			"ID" : "00082337",
			"LastUpdate" : "2021-04-12 13:36:00",
			"Name" : "Zonnecel Totaal",
			"Notifications" : "false",
			"PlanID" : "0",
			"PlanIDs" : 
			"Protected" : false,
			"ShowNotifications" : true,
			"SignalLevel" : "-",
			"SubType" : "kWh",
			"SwitchTypeVal" : 0,
			"Timers" : "false",
			"Type" : "General",
			"TypeImg" : "current",
			"Unit" : 1,
			"Usage" : "2025 Watt",
			"Used" : 1,
			"XOffset" : "0",
			"YOffset" : "0",
			"idx" : "337"
	"status" : "OK",
	"title" : "Devices"
I removed the new Dasticz version, so I can not show the result. The the value in the center of the dial was the value of the 'Data' field, NOT 'CounterToday'. I tried to put in other datafields, but no change. When I reversed back to the older Dashticz version the Dial was OK.
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Re: Dashticz Dial - Features, Fixes & Updates

Post by Lokonli »

There was a change in the block parameters in version 3.7.x

By default, the data fields defined by the values parameter are now displayed below the 'main' data.

To hide the main data, and only show the 'fields' values, add the following parameter to the block definition:

Code: Select all

   showvalue: false
Try the following block definition:

Code: Select all

blocks['Solar'] = {
blocks['Solar'] = {
    title: 'PV',
    type: 'dial',
    width: 6,
    showring: true,
    flash: false,
    shownumbers: true,
    showunit: true,
    last_update: false,
    min: 0,
    max: 30,
    idx: 337,
    showvalue: false,
    values : [
                    value: 'CounterToday',
                    unit: 'kWh',
                    addClass: 'primary',
                    isNeedle: true,
                    decimals: 1
                    value: 'Usage',
                    icon: 'fas fa-solar-panel',
                    unit: 'W',

I've added
addClass: 'primary' to the first value, to make it bigger.
isNeedle: true, to bind the Needle to this value
decimals: 1, to make it a bit more accurate
PV.jpg (19.45 KiB) Viewed 1903 times
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Re: Dashticz Dial - Features, Fixes & Updates

Post by Multikoe »

I have been playing with Dasticz only recently, having worked with Domoticz for about a year now. I created a dashboard which worked, until I updated to the last build (3.8 master). Now, one of my three dials no longer produces a pop-up when I click it. The other two do. I can not find anything different. To be clear: it worked before the update.
This is my block definition:

Code: Select all

blocks['Anna temp'] = {
        type: 'dial', //Display as dial
        setpoint: 20.5,
        min: 10,
        max: 30,
        shownumbers: true,
        showring: false,
        showunit: true,
        idx: 11, //11 = Anna temp living
        title: 'Woonkamer', //The title of the block as shown in the dial.
        width: 4, //The width of the block relative to the column width
        last_update: false,
        //popup: 'popup_woonkamertemp',
Note the popup row: that's what I used before to filter out unwanted values. I commented it out now to test. When I hoover over the dial, it shrinks, like it should, but when I click, nothing happens.
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Re: Dashticz Dial - Features, Fixes & Updates

Post by Lokonli »

Multikoe wrote: Thursday 15 April 2021 19:33 I have been playing with Dasticz only recently, having worked with Domoticz for about a year now. I created a dashboard which worked, until I updated to the last build (3.8 master). Now, one of my three dials no longer produces a pop-up when I click it. The other two do. I can not find anything different. To be clear: it worked before the update.
This is my block definition:

Code: Select all

blocks['Anna temp'] = {
        type: 'dial', //Display as dial
        setpoint: 20.5,
        min: 10,
        max: 30,
        shownumbers: true,
        showring: false,
        showunit: true,
        idx: 11, //11 = Anna temp living
        title: 'Woonkamer', //The title of the block as shown in the dial.
        width: 4, //The width of the block relative to the column width
        last_update: false,
        //popup: 'popup_woonkamertemp',
Note the popup row: that's what I used before to filter out unwanted values. I commented it out now to test. When I hoover over the dial, it shrinks, like it should, but when I click, nothing happens.
What was your previous Dashticz version?
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Re: Dashticz Dial - Features, Fixes & Updates

Post by Lokonli »

and how did you define the 'popup_woonkamertemp' block?
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Re: Dashticz Dial - Features, Fixes & Updates

Post by Lokonli »

Multikoe wrote: Thursday 15 April 2021 19:33 I have been playing with Dasticz only recently, having worked with Domoticz for about a year now. I created a dashboard which worked, until I updated to the last build (3.8 master). Now, one of my three dials no longer produces a pop-up when I click it. The other two do. I can not find anything different. To be clear: it worked before the update.
This is my block definition:

Code: Select all

blocks['Anna temp'] = {
        type: 'dial', //Display as dial
        setpoint: 20.5,
        min: 10,
        max: 30,
        shownumbers: true,
        showring: false,
        showunit: true,
        idx: 11, //11 = Anna temp living
        title: 'Woonkamer', //The title of the block as shown in the dial.
        width: 4, //The width of the block relative to the column width
        last_update: false,
        //popup: 'popup_woonkamertemp',
Note the popup row: that's what I used before to filter out unwanted values. I commented it out now to test. When I hoover over the dial, it shrinks, like it should, but when I click, nothing happens.
I see the space in the key is giving issues.

As workaround, use 'Annatemp' instead of 'Anna temp'.

I'll try to fix this as well.
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Re: Dashticz Dial - Features, Fixes & Updates

Post by Lokonli »

Lokonli wrote: Thursday 15 April 2021 20:16
Multikoe wrote: Thursday 15 April 2021 19:33 I have been playing with Dasticz only recently, having worked with Domoticz for about a year now. I created a dashboard which worked, until I updated to the last build (3.8 master). Now, one of my three dials no longer produces a pop-up when I click it. The other two do. I can not find anything different. To be clear: it worked before the update.
This is my block definition:

Code: Select all

blocks['Anna temp'] = {
        type: 'dial', //Display as dial
        setpoint: 20.5,
        min: 10,
        max: 30,
        shownumbers: true,
        showring: false,
        showunit: true,
        idx: 11, //11 = Anna temp living
        title: 'Woonkamer', //The title of the block as shown in the dial.
        width: 4, //The width of the block relative to the column width
        last_update: false,
        //popup: 'popup_woonkamertemp',
Note the popup row: that's what I used before to filter out unwanted values. I commented it out now to test. When I hoover over the dial, it shrinks, like it should, but when I click, nothing happens.
I see the space in the key is giving issues.

As workaround, use 'Annatemp' instead of 'Anna temp'.

I'll try to fix this as well.
Space within block keys has been fixed for popup windows in latest beta. I'll create a new master within a week or so.

I still recommend not to use spaces in key values. It might give issues at other places as well.
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Re: Dashticz Dial - Features, Fixes & Updates

Post by Multikoe »

Thats it! Thanks. Changed the key and the popup works.
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Re: Dashticz Dial - Features, Fixes & Updates

Post by stephanvdplas »


I really love the Dials in Dashticz, they look rather fancy and are very functional.
There is one thing I'd like to see different: When clicking on the ring of a volume dial (which is a dimmer value in domoticz), the device is turning off. You only can change the volume by slinding the pointer in the ring. Is it possible to change this behaviour, so tipping the ring of the dial will change the level and not turn it off?

Stephan van der Plas
- Running LMS, Domoticz and Dashticz on a windows 11 laptop.
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Re: Dashticz Dial - Features, Fixes & Updates

Post by JuanUil »


I have a dial for watering my garden. It origianaly is a selector switch in Domoticz.


I want to change the font, center the text. but I tried in customcss .dial .data and all other things.
nothing works.
what am I doing wrong?

Your mind is like a parachute,
It only works when it is opened!

RPI4 several Fibaro, KaKu, Neocoolcam switches, Z-Wave, Zigbee2Mqtt, Ikea bulbs and remote, Zigbee temp nodes
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Re: Dashticz Dial - Features, Fixes & Updates

Post by JuanUil »

Your mind is like a parachute,
It only works when it is opened!

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Re: Dashticz Dial - Features, Fixes & Updates

Post by gaber »

Hi all,

is it possible to enlarge the font/title in the dial switches?

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Re: Dashticz Dial - Features, Fixes & Updates

Post by madpatrick »

gaber wrote: Tuesday 12 October 2021 7:41 Hi all,

is it possible to enlarge the font/title in the dial switches?

You can change color, fonts, etc.... in custom.css

for example add this to the file

Code: Select all

[data-id='NAME_DIAL'] .value				{color: #373737 !important;font-size: 24px !important; text-align: center !important}
See also : https://dashticz.readthedocs.io/en/mast ... omcss.html
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Re: Dashticz Dial - Features, Fixes & Updates

Post by JuanUil »

JuanUil wrote: Sunday 03 October 2021 15:16 Hi,

I have a dial for watering my garden. It origianaly is a selector switch in Domoticz.


I want to change the font, center the text. but I tried in customcss .dial .data and all other things.
nothing works.
what am I doing wrong?

and how about this one?
Your mind is like a parachute,
It only works when it is opened!

RPI4 several Fibaro, KaKu, Neocoolcam switches, Z-Wave, Zigbee2Mqtt, Ikea bulbs and remote, Zigbee temp nodes
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Re: Dashticz Dial - Features, Fixes & Updates

Post by gaber »

madpatrick wrote: Tuesday 12 October 2021 15:55
gaber wrote: Tuesday 12 October 2021 7:41 Hi all,

is it possible to enlarge the font/title in the dial switches?

You can change color, fonts, etc.... in custom.css

for example add this to the file

Code: Select all

[data-id='NAME_DIAL'] .value				{color: #373737 !important;font-size: 24px !important; text-align: center !important}
See also : https://dashticz.readthedocs.io/en/mast ... omcss.html
Using .value changes for example the temperature on dials.

But i didn't found anything to change the title.
Tried with .label, .title, etc.
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Re: Dashticz Dial - Features, Fixes & Updates

Post by madpatrick »

gaber wrote: Wednesday 13 October 2021 13:00
madpatrick wrote: Tuesday 12 October 2021 15:55
gaber wrote: Tuesday 12 October 2021 7:41 Hi all,

is it possible to enlarge the font/title in the dial switches?

You can change color, fonts, etc.... in custom.css

for example add this to the file

Code: Select all

[data-id='NAME_DIAL'] .value				{color: #373737 !important;font-size: 24px !important; text-align: center !important}
See also : https://dashticz.readthedocs.io/en/mast ... omcss.html
Using .value changes for example the temperature on dials.

But i didn't found anything to change the title.
Tried with .label, .title, etc.

Code: Select all

Maybe this works
Or check this page for more info
https://dashticz.readthedocs.io/en/mast ... light=dial
-= HP server GEN8 Xeon(R) E3-1220L_V2 -=- OZW -=- Toon2 (rooted) -=- Domoticz v2024.7 -=- Dashticz v3.12b on Tab8" =-
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Re: Dashticz Dial - Features, Fixes & Updates

Post by gaber »

madpatrick wrote: Thursday 14 October 2021 13:18
gaber wrote: Wednesday 13 October 2021 13:00
madpatrick wrote: Tuesday 12 October 2021 15:55

You can change color, fonts, etc.... in custom.css

for example add this to the file

Code: Select all

[data-id='NAME_DIAL'] .value				{color: #373737 !important;font-size: 24px !important; text-align: center !important}
See also : https://dashticz.readthedocs.io/en/mast ... omcss.html
Using .value changes for example the temperature on dials.

But i didn't found anything to change the title.
Tried with .label, .title, etc.

Code: Select all

Maybe this works
Or check this page for more info
https://dashticz.readthedocs.io/en/mast ... light=dial
I give up.
The only css changes working for me are these described in the "Dial" section here https://dashticz.readthedocs.io/en/mast ... om-styling
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Re: Dashticz Dial - Features, Fixes & Updates

Post by Lokonli »

JuanUil wrote: Tuesday 12 October 2021 21:08
JuanUil wrote: Sunday 03 October 2021 15:16 Hi,

I have a dial for watering my garden. It origianaly is a selector switch in Domoticz.


I want to change the font, center the text. but I tried in customcss .dial .data and all other things.
nothing works.
what am I doing wrong?

and how about this one?
Add the following to custom.css:

Code: Select all

/*to vertical center the dial menu*/
  .dial-menu .status {
      justify-content: center;
      display: flex;
      flex-direction: column;

  .dial-menu .status li {
      margin: unset

/*to change the font of the dial menu text*/
.dial-menu .status li {
    font-size: 75%
dial_menu_centered.jpg (9.58 KiB) Viewed 1591 times
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Re: Dashticz Dial - Features, Fixes & Updates

Post by Lokonli »

gaber wrote: Tuesday 12 October 2021 7:41 Hi all,

is it possible to enlarge the font/title in the dial switches?

I can't see the image. Can you repost it?
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Re: Dashticz Dial - Features, Fixes & Updates

Post by gaber »

Lokonli wrote: Thursday 14 October 2021 19:58
gaber wrote: Tuesday 12 October 2021 7:41 Hi all,

is it possible to enlarge the font/title in the dial switches?

I can't see the image. Can you repost it?
Sure i can.

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