Fibaro Floodsensor

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Fibaro Floodsensor

Post by mickeyr61 »

I have a Fibaro Floodsensor. I Included this device a couple of weeks ago. After testing everything was working ok. But now the node stops signaling. The last time the device had send his information was 05-04 (the date is now 15-04). When I put the node in the water, a signal is heard (flood alert). When I go to the domoticz settings (settings, hardware and neighbours), I can see that several other zwave modules are connected. The node number is #15 and is connected to #1, #2, #3, #5 and #14. When I go to nodes, the date last seen is today.

I also have a Zwave Control panel, but I don't know what to do with it. I have also problems with a heating device (#06) and one of the doorsensors (#13) (all zwave). The rest of the zwave devices (13 pieces) are working fine.

Is there anything I can do to get this node(s) up- and running again? I allready tried to exclude and include them again.
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