Dashticz Docker installation

Dashticz, alternative dashboard based on HTML, CSS, jQuery

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Dashticz Docker installation

Post by Deva »

Hi guys,

Maybe a very stupid question, but I can't seem to find the (correct) answer anywhere.

My goal is to get Dashticz up and running within Docker. Although my Docker knowledge doesn't stretch far, I've managed to run and configure multiple docker images on my Syno NAS (Domoticz/UniFi controller etc.) However, I can't seem to find a (correct) Dashticz image to download (register) and configure within the Syno Docker.

I know Dashticz can be run directly from the Syno NAS, but I don't want to run Dashticz directly on my Syno NAS, but independent (in a docker image).

Can someone explain if my quest is even possible? and if it is, what are the steps to be taken for me to get the whole thing set-up?

Thanks for the response!
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Re: Dashticz Docker installation

Post by Lokonli »

You might try the automatic install first. However, make and git are needed. Can you install those on a Synology?

https://dashticz.readthedocs.io/en/mast ... stall.html

If not:
Download a Dashticz release. It contains a Dockerfile and a makefile. In the Makefile you can find the command to build and start the Docker image.

If you need help let me know.
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