Python Plugin Device Update not working correct

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Python Plugin Device Update not working correct

Post by Dembe »

Hello everyone,,
I don't now where to put feedback on Python plugin errors so I do it here.
While trying to make a plugin for FHT80b I notised an error, I think.
I'm creating devices with hi numbers from the hex addresses I get from FHT80b like 0x4e20=20000, creation works without any problem and the device is shows up as expected.
It is when I try to update the device, Devices[20000].Update(0, "Test"), peculiar things happens, the update goes through but a new device with id=32 is create instead of updating the correct device. It seems that the index precision is lost somewhere. Only one byte is used and 0x20=32.
I hope this in some ay can help you debug/correct the
Edit: I'm using Domoticz Version: 3.6496, Build Hash: bffa02c, Compile Date: 2017-01-26 11:46:58, on a Odroid with Ubuntu 16.04
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