RFLink <=> Livolo support (ON/OFF mode instead of Toogle mode)

433Mhz opensource Receiver & Transmitter.

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RFLink <=> Livolo support (ON/OFF mode instead of Toogle mode)

Post by shalwia »

I'm using Domoticz & RFLink set to control some of my home appliances (blinds etc.). Some time ago I bought a few Livolo wall switches supporting 433 Mhz communication (mainly due to the fact that it was stated on RFLink official website it's supporting Livolo).

After installation of the wall switches I have a problem to synchronize it properly with the Domoticz. The problem is that I can't set a different codes for ON and OFF switch mode. The switch is working just in the toggle mode, which makes controlling the devices quite confusing (e.g. it may appear that I switch on light instead of switching it off etc.). I have reviewed the threads on this forum and look for some help in the Google but seems nobody discovered if (and how) it's possible to solve it somehow.
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Re: RFLink <=> Livolo support (ON/OFF mode instead of Toogle mode)

Post by DEN1304 »


I have exactly the same issue, the only difference is that I’m using RFcom Tx/Rx transmitter.
I had no issue with previous Domoticz version.

Shalwia did you receive any solution?

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