M709 1080p Mini Camera with WiFi (extremely small)

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M709 1080p Mini Camera with WiFi (extremely small)

Post by ben53252642 »

Hey folks,

I'm continuing my evaluation of various mini camera's this time with the M709 1080p Mini Camera.

photo1.jpg (240.33 KiB) Viewed 24644 times
The M709 next to my Gear S3 Smart Watch for size comparison.

This is a very impressive camera that delivers a full 1080p resolution with night vision in an extremely small form factor.

It also has a magnetic base on the back and side of the camera and comes with a stick on mounting bracket.

Processor: hi3518 erbcv200
WiFi chip: MediaTek BL-R7601MU3 (MT7601U)
SPI Flash chip: Winbond 25Q64JVS10

Code: Select all

MJPEG Stream (1080p, runs at around 3 frames per second)

HTTP Video Stream which includes audio (720p 30 frames per second)
Tested resolutions:
(320x240): resolution=8
(640x480): resolution=32
(1280x720): resolution=64

JPEG Snapshot 1080p (This URL is what you will need to use if you want to integrate the camera directly into Domoticz)
I did not need to use an app to setup the camera, I was able to connect to it directly via WiFi and configure it via a web interface:

1) Connected via WiFi
2) Camera default IP is:
3) Default login is username: admin with no password

With multiple cameras I discovered a problem when I attempted to set a long password containing special characters, the camera denied all access until I reset the unit, since then I've been using 12 character length alpha numeric passwords with no special characters.

Note that until I got the camera connected to my WiFi AP the connection to the camera was very unstable with frequent timeouts, I just kept retrying until I had it connected to my WiFi AP then it worked fast.

Results of a "nmap -p- ipaddress" scan (took about 1 hour):
80/tcp open http
10213/tcp open unknown

Interesting URLs:

Enabled auto IR Led (set to 0 to disable):

Set Power line frequency (0 = 50hz, 1 = 60hz, 2 = disable):

Set Brightness (values between 0 and 10):

Set Contrast (values between 0 and 10):

Flip image (persists over device reboots):

To disable the OSD "on screen display" which overlays the following on the camera image:
* battery level top right
* camera name bottom left
* time top left

Instructions to disable OSD: Login to web gui, create a backup configuration and export it (download to your PC), edit and change the line "osd_show=1" to "osd_show=0", save the file and restore it to the camera. The camera will reboot and the OSD should be disabled.

Adjust the infrared LED light activation sensitivity (I had to do this on one of my M709 cameras), the IR was activated even when the room lights were turned on. Note I had to set the IR LED status to close and then auto in the /setting.asp > System > Misc Settings before modifications at the below url seemed to take effect. The adjustment needed was very minor, I changed "IR Low Limit" from the default 15 to 13 and set "IR High Limit" to 25 which solved my problem.

Thermal tests:
Unfortunately my infrared thermometer was unable to get a reasonably accurate reading measuring the heat off the top of the Hi3518 chipset, I ended up using a cooking thermometer which gave me these results:
Without included thermal pad and heat shield: 55.4 degrees Celsius
With included thermal pad and heat shield: 40.8 degrees Celsius
Ambient room temperature was 25.5 degrees Celsius

My complaints about this camera:
1) Have not found a way to adjust the asf of mjpeg frame-rate
2) Have not found a way to adjust the asf bitrate, hi3518 chipset is known that it can be set up to 6000kbps, how to change? It appears to be hard-set at around 1000kbps or similar vbr quality setting.
3) Have not found a way to get 1080p resolution video at a reasonable frame-rate (for example even 10fps would be acceptable for me).
4) The power button design should just be a switch on or off that persists across reboots.
5) Wish there was an option to order the camera without a battery.

Other things I like about this camera:
1) The infrared LED's when active do not appear to be visible to a human eye at night which is fantastic if intending to use these cameras as sensors around a home.

Security concerns:
1) Web interface, video and audio are all sent over the network with zero encryption. This means the security of the camera feeds is entirely dependent on the WiFi WPA2 AES and there being no untrusted users on the WiFi network.
2) By default the camera joins a P2P network, this option needs to be disabled in the web interface.

So far I have not been able to get root access to this camera, when I do though I'd like to:
1) Investigate the possibility of enabling https for Web interface, video and audio to secure traffic over the local network either via the built in goahead web server or by adding a small ssl reverse proxy and firewall.
2) Attempt to get a 15 fps 1080p stream.

Last edited by ben53252642 on Thursday 11 July 2019 17:23, edited 44 times in total.
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Re: M709 1080p Mini Camera with WiFi (extremely small)

Post by ben53252642 »

Ended up doing a few hardware mods:
1) Remove LEDs
2) Modify switch so the camera starts automatically on power restore
3) Remove Lithium Ion battery

Can confirm that the camera works just fine with the battery removed.

20190618_125804.jpg (177.32 KiB) Viewed 24596 times
20190618_130452.jpg (271.71 KiB) Viewed 24592 times
As you can see most of the space inside the case is used for the battery. It's surprising how light weight the camera is without the battery.
Last edited by ben53252642 on Friday 21 June 2019 16:56, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: M709 1080p Mini Camera with WiFi (extremely small)

Post by ben53252642 »

I setup an M709 in the kitchen to monitor the cats, I am impressed with the image quality for such a small camera.

Note my highly professional mounting on the side of the USB power adapter. 8-)
20190621_212237.jpg (196.73 KiB) Viewed 24538 times
Photo at night with lights on:
nightwithlightson23432.jpg (328.47 KiB) Viewed 24534 times
Photo at night with lights off (Camera is using its IR LED's), picture is very grainy.
nightphoto2341453.jpg (327.93 KiB) Viewed 24528 times
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Re: M709 1080p Mini Camera with WiFi (extremely small)

Post by bueno79 »


this camera works on power supply, no battery right ?
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Re: M709 1080p Mini Camera with WiFi (extremely small)

Post by ben53252642 »

Can confirm the camera works fine on USB power with or without the battery removed (I have 9 of these cameras setup with the battery removed).

Note that modification of the power button required a small amount of soldering (can post pictures of you need).

I originally ordered 3 of these cameras and lost 2 to learning how to take it apart and do the modifications. I ordered an additional 10 cameras and lost 1 again to accidentally breaking it.

If you need 1 camera and intend to modify the power switch I suggest ordering 3 and accepting there is a moderate risk 1 or more will break if you attempt the power button modification.

If you are happy to keep the internal battery then it works fine on power AND battery, no need to modify.

The cameras seem very reliable, I have not had a single unexpected reboot from any of mine. If you keep the battery, once you turn the unit on if it is connected to USB power I don't think you will have to turn it on again unless there is an extended power outage that also drains the cameras built in battery.
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Re: M709 1080p Mini Camera with WiFi (extremely small)

Post by JimmyH1969 »

I ordered 3 and can not get them to work without the use of the app.
Port 80 is not open at the device so i can only configure the device by using the app.
According to the supplyer they changed the camera so it can only be operated from the app.... anyone for 3 camera's? :(
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Re: M709 1080p Mini Camera with WiFi (extremely small)

Post by ben53252642 »

What are the results of running this nmap command against the cameras IP address?

nmap -p- ipaddress

Note that it can take about an hour to complete.
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Re: M709 1080p Mini Camera with WiFi (extremely small)

Post by JimmyH1969 »

Oke, but the results are not that good... :mrgreen:

Scanning [65535 ports]
Discovered open port 554/tcp on
Discovered open port 51503/tcp on
554/tcp open rtsp
| fingerprint-strings:
| HTTPOptions, RTSPRequest, SIPOptions:
| RTSP/1.0 400 Bad Request
| Server: Hopeway RealServer/V1.0
|_ Connection: Close
|_rtsp-methods: ERROR: Script execution failed (use -d to debug)

51503/tcp open rtsp
| fingerprint-strings:
| HTTPOptions, RTSPRequest, SIPOptions:
| RTSP/1.0 400 Bad Request
| Server: Hopeway RealServer/V1.0
|_ Connection: Close
|_rtsp-methods: ERROR
2 services unrecognized despite returning data.
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Re: M709 1080p Mini Camera with WiFi (extremely small)

Post by ben53252642 »

Try this in VLC media player (open this URL):


Looks like they removed the http web server and added rtsp support.

That's very easy to work with.
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Re: M709 1080p Mini Camera with WiFi (extremely small)

Post by JimmyH1969 »

to bad, already tried that and does not work either.
In dutch:
Uw invoer kan niet geopend worden:
VLC kon de MRL 'rtsp://' niet openen. Controleer het logboek voor details.
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Re: M709 1080p Mini Camera with WiFi (extremely small)

Post by ben53252642 »

Try this:


The video will be there, you just need to find the address.
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Re: M709 1080p Mini Camera with WiFi (extremely small)

Post by JimmyH1969 »

same error.

I know i just need to find the right adress. I already googled and tried a lot, so far no luck.
But, even when getting the right url, Domoticz is not going to like it.

Tnx for trying/helping btw.
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Re: M709 1080p Mini Camera with WiFi (extremely small)

Post by ben53252642 »

Actually Domoticz will be fine with it, many people have cameras that only do rtsp on this forum.

The solution is just to get ffmpeg to take still shots from the video stream for Domoticz using a script.

If you figure out the rtsp video url (which you could probably get by sniffing traffic between the camera and app) we can talk further about how to do the integration with Domoticz.

What your looking for is rtsp://ipaddress:554/themagicaddress
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Re: M709 1080p Mini Camera with WiFi (extremely small)

Post by JimmyH1969 »

Yep, but sniffing between app and camera is not that easy. I will ask the supplier first, but he's not verry cooperative :D
I can send them back and get a refund, but i like the size of these cam's... anyway, to be continued..
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Re: M709 1080p Mini Camera with WiFi (extremely small)

Post by JimmyH1969 »

It took a few days, but got the streams using wireshark...


This is just the first cam. Not sure if they all use the same url. But, So far....
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Re: M709 1080p Mini Camera with WiFi (extremely small)

Post by ben53252642 »

Nice work! I've never seen an rtsp url like that, I wouldn't be surprised if it was randomly generated for each camera. Still it's not very secure if all you had to do was use wireshark to find the url... ;)

Also there might be a control mechanism the app uses to do things like flip the camera image. You may be able to decipher it (if you need access to the features).
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Re: M709 1080p Mini Camera with WiFi (extremely small)

Post by JimmyH1969 »

Yes it generates the url every time you (re)connect it to your WiFi. So after resetting to factory defaults and reconnecting it, it is:


Never mind, as long as it's not resetted to defaults there's no problem. I will change common setting with the app and IR switches on automaticly when it's to dark. I connected it to NetcamStudio and from there we go to Domoticz. Works like a charm.

Tnx for helping out!
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Re: M709 1080p Mini Camera with WiFi (extremely small)

Post by EldigoR »

Hi JimmyH1969,

I have almost the same camera and you posts have been very helpful!

I found these RSTP stream:

I'm now looking the turn off and on the IR LEDS without use of the app.

I was able to capture the command from the app to the camera to turn on the IR LED
It is just TCP packet with JSON DATA

Code: Select all

I haven't been able to send such a message to the camera my self.

Have you been able to turn of the IR LEDS by hand ?
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Re: M709 1080p Mini Camera with WiFi (extremely small)

Post by JimmyH1969 »


No i did not try that. Is there any reason you want to turn them on manually? (just curious)
There should be a way to use that string in a json call i think, but i have no idea yet.

Hope you get your answer and post it here. Good luck

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Re: M709 1080p Mini Camera with WiFi (extremely small)

Post by EldigoR »

OK, no problem,
My camera does not switches IR on automatically, only scheduled on hours.

I want to let Domoticz controle the IR LEDS (day/night)

This is my Camera by the way:

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