Read error at byte xxxxx

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Joined: Wednesday 28 October 2015 16:17
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: 3.8153
Location: Nederland

Read error at byte xxxxx

Post by Piet »

Updated to the Latest version of Debian and re-installed Domoticz (problem solved)


Using Pi with Domoticz multiple neo coolcam motion sensors, sensative & fibaro door sensors, fibaro & Coolcam Power Plugs, switches.
Very frustrating when the lights don't turn on while entering the gate, shed, garage or house.

Did not change anything for weeks, last Monday after trying to Update to the latest Beta version Domoticz did not start.

Last 2 days I am unable to Update Load & Start Domoticz
Tried >10 times to update my Pi with the latest version of Domoticz. (Stable & Beta)

The download is extremely slow takes like 6 hours before it finishes throwing an error while starting Domoticz.
16% [++++++ ] 2,460,585 516B/s eta 6h 36m

Keep getting these errors (see Read errors below while downloading the update)

Tried several wired connections as my expectation was, this is a network error.

Please help & advise what to do really hope to get my Pi up and running
Regards Piet


gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
Restarting Domoticz... (please standby...)
[....] Restarting Domoticz Home Automation System: domoticzSegmentation fault
pi@raspberrypi ~/domoticz $
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