Smart Radiator Valves, and Drayton Wiser plugin

For heating/cooling related questions in Domoticz

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Smart Radiator Valves, and Drayton Wiser plugin

Post by bluebook »

Hi All,

New to Domoticz. I'm writing a Python plugin to control my Drayton Wiser system, which at the moment comprises one room stat and two intelligent TRVs - plus hot water. The thing I can't work out is if there is any direct support in Domoticz for a combined thermostat / temperature sensor? The room stat measures temperature and hunidity, and has a set point. The radiator valves similarly measure temperature but also can have a setpoint. At the moment I am creating two Domoticz devices per physical device - one for temp and one for thermostat. That seems a bit clunky, is there a better way?

Otherwise the plugin is going well so far. Automatically discovers all the devices in the system and adds them, logs temperature from everywhere. Setpoint is next, which is why I am asking.

Thanks for any pointers.

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