Ring 2 Doorbell

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Ring 2 Doorbell

Post by nigels0 »

I’ve connected my Ring 2 doorbell with Domoticz by using a python library from here:


I have a dummy doorbell switch set up called doorbell (in this case idx 1096) and I use a python app running continually (as a service) to poll for a push on the doorbell

Code: Select all

from ring_doorbell import Ring 
from time import sleep 
import urllib2


myring = Ring(ringUsername,ringPassword)
# Now loop infinitely
 data = myring.doorbells[0].check_alerts()
 if data==True:
 # Loop around
The library has other functions, but I only needed to register the doorbell push with Domoticz

For info how to start this python script as a service have a butchers at:
https://www.raspberrypi-spy.co.uk/2015/ ... g-systemd/

It's possible to grab the video with

Code: Select all

from ring_doorbell import Ring 
from time import sleep 
import urllib2
from datetime import datetime


myring = Ring(ringUsername,ringPassword)
doorbell = myring.doorbells[0] 
# Now loop infinitely
    data = doorbell.check_alerts()
    if data==True:
      timestamp = datetime.now().strftime("%d:%m_%H.%M.%S")
      doorbell.recording_download(doorbell.history(limit=100, kind='ding')[0]['id'],
but I'm finding that I'm getting the last video - not the current one. I've tried a pause for 40 seconds, but then no file is written.
Last edited by nigels0 on Wednesday 19 June 2019 18:33, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ring 2 Doorbell

Post by felix63 »

Very useful post, thank you! By the way if you already have PM2 running you can simply add this script to PM2 to make sure its running all the time.
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Re: Ring 2 Doorbell

Post by djoeney »

Thanks for sharing, this is very helpful to create a action based on on trigger. Is it possible to switch on a dummy switch when motion is detected?
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Re: Ring 2 Doorbell

Post by jvmaanen »

That would be very useful, to switch on a dummy switch when motion is detected.
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Re: Ring 2 Doorbell

Post by sach »

nigels0 wrote: Monday 26 November 2018 22:44 I’ve connected my Ring 2 doorbell with Domoticz by using a python library from here:


I have a dummy doorbell switch set up called doorbell (in this case idx 1096) and I use a python app running continually (as a service) to poll for a push on the doorbell

Code: Select all

from ring_doorbell import Ring 
from time import sleep 
import urllib2


myring = Ring(ringUsername,ringPassword)
# Now loop infinitely
 data = myring.doorbells[0].check_alerts()
 if data==True:
 # Loop around
The library has other functions, but I only needed to register the doorbell push with Domoticz

For info how to start this python script as a service have a butchers at:
https://thepihut.com/blogs/raspberry-pi ... 937476d22b

It's possible to grab the video with

Code: Select all

from ring_doorbell import Ring 
from time import sleep 
import urllib2
from datetime import datetime


myring = Ring(ringUsername,ringPassword)
doorbell = myring.doorbells[0] 
# Now loop infinitely
    data = doorbell.check_alerts()
    if data==True:
      timestamp = datetime.now().strftime("%d:%m_%H.%M.%S")
      doorbell.recording_download(doorbell.history(limit=100, kind='ding')[0]['id'],
but I'm finding that I'm getting the last video - not the current one. I've tried a pause for 40 seconds, but then no file is written.
Nice work, but shame I have no idea how to implement. :-(
Only function i'm really after is to create a switch to turn my floodlight lights on and off.
Can then add this to imperihome to control from my wallmounted kitchen tablet.

Would you be able to help me achieve this? ;)
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Re: Ring 2 Doorbell

Post by JoshDinsdale »

Just implemented this with my newly installed Ring Doorbell 1 and works really nicely.

According to the python-ring-doorbell code, the check_alerts function is triggered by both doorbell pushes and motion events which is good to know. However, does anyone know if there is a way to separate these so we could trigger two seperate switches in Domoticz?
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Re: Ring 2 Doorbell

Post by JuanUil »

This is what I was waiting for!! Thnx very much!
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Re: Ring 2 Doorbell

Post by joepadmiraal »

This looks great.
Can you tell me a bit about the response time you ar seeing?
So how much time does it take before you see your switch flipped in Domoticz after someone presses the doorbell?

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Re: Ring 2 Doorbell

Post by leecollings »

Does anyone know if this would also be able to work with a Floodlight Cam?
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Re: Ring 2 Doorbell

Post by nigels0 »

joepadmiraal wrote: Wednesday 05 June 2019 8:01 This looks great.
Can you tell me a bit about the response time you ar seeing?
So how much time does it take before you see your switch flipped in Domoticz after someone presses the doorbell?

I'm seeing about 1-2 sec delay - so hardly noticeable.
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Re: Ring 2 Doorbell

Post by dizzeenl »

im not so familiar with python jet and get constantly syntax errors and "no module named ring_doorbell" when using the script above in my python folder of domoticz :(
is there an step-by-step guide for this somewhere?
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Re: Ring 2 Doorbell

Post by felix63 »

Did you install the python-ring-doorbell library? See https://github.com/tchellomello/python-ring-doorbell?
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Re: Ring 2 Doorbell

Post by dizzeenl »

yes i did, but i forgot i used the pip3 version :(, now it works like a charm :roll:
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Re: Ring 2 Doorbell

Post by felix63 »

nigels0 wrote: Monday 26 November 2018 22:44 I’ve connected my Ring 2 doorbell with Domoticz by using a python library from here:
but I'm finding that I'm getting the last video - not the current one. I've tried a pause for 40 seconds, but then no file is written.
Did you ever find a workaround for this?
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Re: Ring 2 Doorbell

Post by nigels0 »

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Re: Ring 2 Doorbell

Post by capslocker »

Hi all

I am looking to buy a Ring doorbell. If I understand correct, this script allows to record video when someone rings ?
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Re: Ring 2 Doorbell

Post by PeterFleur »

Did anyone get this working now that Ring has MFA as requirement?

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Re: Ring 2 Doorbell

Post by clinkadink »

PeterFleur wrote: Sunday 31 May 2020 15:56 Did anyone get this working now that Ring has MFA as requirement?
Yes, it works with 2FA. The first time you run the script, it prompts you for your 2FA code (received via email/text). Once entered, Ring adds your device to the trusted section of your Ring.com account.
nigels0 wrote: Monday 26 November 2018 22:44 but I'm finding that I'm getting the last video - not the current one. I've tried a pause for 40 seconds, but then no file is written.
A slightly late response ... but it may help others. That's because you are only selecting one event from the history. Look at your code below, you have "[0]" which is only every selecting the first event in your list of events.

Code: Select all

    doorbell.history(limit=100, kind='ding')[0]['id'], filename='/mnt/synology/Doorbell/'+timestamp+'.mp4',override=True
Try this ...

Code: Select all

videopath = '/home/clinkadink/ring/'
recordings = doorbell.history(limit=100, kind='ding')
for event in recordings:
        print('Downloading {} event recorded on {} lasting {}s'.format(
            event['kind'], event['created_at'].strftime("%d/%m/%Y at %H:%M:%S"), event['duration'])
        videotime = event['created_at'].strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
            event['id'], filename=videopath + 'ring_video_' + videotime + '.mp4', override=False
print('Download complete')
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Re: Ring 2 Doorbell

Post by migila »

I got lot's of error's. I think i fixed them but the following i can't seem to fix. I'm not known with programming. I first had an error "SyntaxError: Non ASCII character" Then i had the next error: SyntaxError EOL while scanning string literal. Then the next error: Module not found: urllib2

The last error i don't seem to fix:

TypError: __init__() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given

How can i solve this?
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Re: Ring 2 Doorbell

Post by Alain »

For the life of me, I can't work this out. I got the installation part done, but then when I get to "Initializing your ring object" I have no idea how to proceed. Where do I put that script? Do I run it once?
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