I am unable to SetMode in rfxcom pannel: I return to Dashboard and all devices stay to red (disable).
Here is my log file:
Code: Select all
2018-10-27 10:22:16.378 Status: RFXCOM: Using serial port: /dev/ttyUSB1
2018-10-27 10:24:31.684 Error: RFXCOM: Invalid data received!....
2018-10-27 10:24:35.609 subtype = Interface Command
2018-10-27 10:24:35.609 Sequence nbr = 3
2018-10-27 10:24:35.609 set configuration of the interface
RFXtrx433XL update to the last firmware: RFXtrx433XL_ProXL1_1031.hex
Here is what I tried:
- I tried to restart domoticz (stop/unplug/restart)
- Hardware is enable
- RFXtrx433XL is on /dev/ttyUSB1
- Zigate is on /dev/ttyUSB0
- I have version 0
- I have read the post: RFXtrx433 Version 0
- I have a RFXtrx433E on another raspberry and manualy copy the same config
- RFXtrx433XL can update firmwae
- RFXtrx433XL can detect oregon THGR810 with the RFXmngr software on W10