Buienradar weather info in dashticz

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Buienradar weather info in dashticz

Post by pvm »

Would it be interesting to others to have Buienradar (dutch) weather data in dashticz?
I'm not good at JS, so I gave it a try in PHP (just good enough to get it working :) ). I've got a PHP file now which is executed every 10 minutes and generates 2 html files which are included as iframes in Dasthticz.
See work-in-progress below, whould it be interesting to share this code fore someone to migrate it to JavaScript?
(parts in blue are created by me, retrieving data, formatting and replacing buienradar icons with skycons. part in red is still on todo list cause it takes too much time executing it in LUA, sometimes over 10 seconds).
wip.jpg (95.3 KiB) Viewed 838 times
I'm parsing the buienradar JSON information, putting it into a table, apply some CSS, etc.
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Re: Buienradar weather info in dashticz

Post by EdwinK »

Cool. I hope you get it working soon.
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Re: Buienradar weather info in dashticz

Post by peet3kabo »

I find it interresting, specially when WU stops with the API key. Which I dont have, I'm using dark sky but like yours from buienradar better. Only I'm no good with programming

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