how can i add Somfy blinds to Domoticz ? (i have de 433.92)
Posted: Friday 13 July 2018 19:03
hi all,
maybe its alread explaind but i can't find it on this forum. i have purchased RF-LINK for Somfy (433,92) and in the devices i also see my sreen
when i open of close them with the somfy remote. but when i do the manual switch option that i found on the wiki:
i cant get it working ?. id do every thing that is in the WIKI?
maybe its alread explaind but i can't find it on this forum. i have purchased RF-LINK for Somfy (433,92) and in the devices i also see my sreen
when i open of close them with the somfy remote. but when i do the manual switch option that i found on the wiki:
i cant get it working ?. id do every thing that is in the WIKI?
what i'am i doing wrong ?.Somfy / RFY
To associate the RFXtrx433E with Somfy blinds (his instruction assumes that you already added RFXtrx433E under Hardware)
(1) Click on 'Switches', then click on "Manual Light/Switch".
(2) Fill in...
Hardware: RFXtrx433E
Device name: <Name for my Somfy blinds>
Switch Type: Blinds
Type: RFY
ID: <select a random ID>
Unit Code: <select a random number>
(3) Then, on a remote already associated with the blinds:
move the blinds so they are neither fully closed nor fully open.
(4) press the tiny "prog" button 3s on the back of the remote. The blinds make a quick move.
(5) Immediately click on the "Test" button in your Domoticz screen. The blinds make a quick move again, to confirm association..
(6) If successful, click "Add Device".