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how can i add Somfy blinds to Domoticz ? (i have de 433.92)

Posted: Friday 13 July 2018 19:03
by TheCub3
hi all,

maybe its alread explaind but i can't find it on this forum. i have purchased RF-LINK for Somfy (433,92) and in the devices i also see my sreen
when i open of close them with the somfy remote.
somfy01.jpg (53.44 KiB) Viewed 18436 times
but when i do the manual switch option that i found on the wiki:
i cant get it working ?. id do every thing that is in the WIKI?
Somfy / RFY

To associate the RFXtrx433E with Somfy blinds (his instruction assumes that you already added RFXtrx433E under Hardware)

(1) Click on 'Switches', then click on "Manual Light/Switch".

(2) Fill in...

Hardware: RFXtrx433E
Device name: <Name for my Somfy blinds>
Switch Type: Blinds
Type: RFY
ID: <select a random ID>
Unit Code: <select a random number>

(3) Then, on a remote already associated with the blinds:

move the blinds so they are neither fully closed nor fully open.

(4) press the tiny "prog" button 3s on the back of the remote. The blinds make a quick move.

(5) Immediately click on the "Test" button in your Domoticz screen. The blinds make a quick move again, to confirm association..

(6) If successful, click "Add Device".
what i'am i doing wrong ?.

Re: how can i add Somfy blinds to Domoticz ? (i have de 433.92)

Posted: Friday 20 July 2018 22:28
by domogijs
I have the same problem. Did you solve yours?

Please share the solution if so.

Greets Gijd

Re: how can i add Somfy blinds to Domoticz ? (i have de 433.92)

Posted: Tuesday 24 July 2018 8:38
by Tonio16
TheCub3 wrote: Friday 13 July 2018 19:03 i have purchased RF-LINK for Somfy (433,92) and in the devices i also see my sreen

Somfy is using 433.420 Hz and not 433.92.
An explanation in french: ... -et-somfy/


Re: how can i add Somfy blinds to Domoticz ? (i have de 433.92)

Posted: Tuesday 24 July 2018 12:21
by TheCub3
domogijs wrote: Friday 20 July 2018 22:28 I have the same problem. Did you solve yours?

Please share the solution if so.

Greets Gijd
Hi Gijd,

i also seen the french site but i really dont know what to do.. i thought that this would be easy.
but it seems that Somfy is not really easy to get working on Domoticz.

Re: how can i add Somfy blinds to Domoticz ? (i have de 433.92)

Posted: Tuesday 24 July 2018 13:30
by EddyG
If you have an RFLINK with the right frequency for Somfy it's easy, at least it works for me.
Change Switch type of the device that is found by 'Accept new Hardware Devices' with the Edit button to Venetian Blinds EU.
2018-07-24_13-26-44.png (15.04 KiB) Viewed 18264 times

Re: how can i add Somfy blinds to Domoticz ? (i have de 433.92)

Posted: Tuesday 24 July 2018 18:21
by TheCub3
EddyG wrote: Tuesday 24 July 2018 13:30 If you have an RFLINK with the right frequency for Somfy it's easy, at least it works for me.
Change Switch type of the device that is found by 'Accept new Hardware Devices' with the Edit button to Venetian Blinds EU.
eddy and that is al what you did ? no key settings like what they talk about in the french page ? (see the link somewhere here in this topic).
dit you set the somfy in setup mode (trough the remote on the backsite with a little pin) and did you do learn of manuel option ?

Re: how can i add Somfy blinds to Domoticz ? (i have de 433.92)

Posted: Wednesday 25 July 2018 9:53
by EddyG
Yes, that's all. If you act as the pages describe you can send your own unique codes, like I did with my RFXCOM hardware.
That worked for me, don know how.
Those RTS commands are not saved in the Domoticz database, so I think that RFLink saved those values.

Re: how can i add Somfy blinds to Domoticz ? (i have de 433.92)

Posted: Wednesday 25 July 2018 10:10
by TheCub3
EddyG wrote: Wednesday 25 July 2018 9:53 Yes, that's all. If you act as the pages describe you can send your own unique codes, like I did with my RFXCOM hardware.
That worked for me, don know how.
Those RTS commands are not saved in the Domoticz database, so I think that RFLink saved those values.
Hi Eddy,

i wil do that this week, its to hot right now in Holland to do anything.

tnx for the information.

Re: how can i add Somfy blinds to Domoticz ? (i have de 433.92)

Posted: Friday 03 August 2018 8:11
by domogijs
Tonio16 wrote: Tuesday 24 July 2018 8:38
TheCub3 wrote: Friday 13 July 2018 19:03 i have purchased RF-LINK for Somfy (433,92) and in the devices i also see my sreen

Somfy is using 433.420 Hz and not 433.92.
An explanation in french: ... -et-somfy/

Ok but I see the somfy protocol in domoticz but the remote that is working states 433,92 in the specs . I use the rflink.

I bought an 433,42 unit for rflink to check. Keep you posted

Greets Gijs

Re: how can i add Somfy blinds to Domoticz ? (i have de 433.92)

Posted: Monday 13 August 2018 16:34
by corederoma82
This tutorial it's ok for awnings also?


Re: how can i add Somfy blinds to Domoticz ? (i have de 433.92)

Posted: Saturday 18 August 2018 14:50
by domogijs
Update Gijs:

Today I had the chance to work on it.

No progress :(

What did I learn so far:

The remote control of the blinds use 433,92
The remote control is recognised in the rflink bootloader
The remote control is recognised in domoticz as RTS
I am able to receive signals (up stop down)
I am able to pair with rflink (as described on the forum)
The new pair code is shown if CMD is rtsshow
But I am not able to let the blinds go up and down

Maybe the protocol is not supported? But wrongly recognised as RTS.
I am running out of ideas. Somebody an idea?

20;05;Debug;RTS P1;96f11b3cfa6227;
20;08;Debug;RTS P1;95f31b3dfa6227;
20;0B;Debug;RTS P1;98fd1b3efa6227;

Greets Gijs

Re: how can i add Somfy blinds to Domoticz ? (i have de 433.92)

Posted: Sunday 19 August 2018 10:37
by DeBaat

I've got my Somfy blinds working as Blinds Inverted using the RFXtrx433E.

The trick I used is not to use the programming button on the remote but the programming option on the motor.
The motor can be programmed to react to several remotes, the Domoticz device is just another remote.
So, try these steps (Copied from hints above where I changed step 4!!!):
Somfy / RFY
To associate the RFXtrx433E with Somfy blinds (his instruction assumes that you already added RFXtrx433E under Hardware)

(1) Click on 'Switches', then click on "Manual Light/Switch".
(2) Fill in...
Hardware: RFXtrx433E
Device name: <Name for my Somfy blinds>
Switch Type: Blinds Inverted
Type: RFY
SubType: RFY
ID: <select a random ID>
Unit Code: <select a random number>
(3) Then, on a remote already associated with the blinds:
move the blinds so they are neither fully closed nor fully open.
(4) Switch off the power on the motor, wait for a minute and switch power on again. The blinds make a quick move.
(5) Immediately click on the "Test" button in your Domoticz screen. The blinds make a quick move again, to confirm association..
(6) If successful, click "Add Device".
Just give it a try.
Good luck.

Re: how can i add Somfy blinds to Domoticz ? (i have de 433.92)

Posted: Sunday 19 August 2018 16:47
by domogijs

Thanks for this option. I will give it a try! And share the outcome for others with the same problem.
(Unfortunately it is not at my own house, so it will take some time)

Greets Gijs

Re: how can i add Somfy blinds to Domoticz ? (i have de 433.92)

Posted: Friday 02 November 2018 19:54
by domogijs

Still no luck, i am getting a little frustrated.

I also removed the power for 1 minute but no changes.

I hope somebody has a good idea (please please)

The remote control of the blinds use 433,92
The remote control is recognised in the rflink bootloader
The remote control is recognised in domoticz as RTS
I am able to receive signals (up stop down)
I am able to pair with rflink (as described on the forum)
The new pair code is shown if CMD is rtsshow
Remove power for 1 minute and than pair does not work
But I am not able to let the blinds go up and down

Greets Gijs

Re: how can i add Somfy blinds to Domoticz ? (i have de 433.92)

Posted: Saturday 03 November 2018 12:01
by domogijs

New information.

The motor is from Faher with integrated receiver and not from Somfy. (but appears RTS).

Somebody some experience?

Hope so

Faher moter with integrated receiver
The remote control of the blinds use 433,92
The remote control is recognised in the rflink bootloader
The remote control is recognised in domoticz as RTS
I am able to receive signals (up stop down)
I am able to pair with rflink (as described on the forum)
The new pair code is shown if CMD is rtsshow
Remove power for 1 minute and than pair does not work
10;RTSLONGTX no change
But I am not able to let the blinds go up and down

Greets Gijsbregt

Re: how can i add Somfy blinds to Domoticz ? (i have de 433.92)

Posted: Saturday 22 December 2018 12:25
by EddyG
EddyG wrote: Tuesday 24 July 2018 13:30 If you have an RFLINK with the right frequency for Somfy it's easy, at least it works for me.
Change Switch type of the device that is found by 'Accept new Hardware Devices' with the Edit button to Venetian Blinds EU.

I found out the hard way that this is not the right procudure!!!
If you use a remote controler like the Telis together with these created devices in Domoticz, you are proberly going out of sync with the 'Rolling Code'
At the end both (domoticz and Telis) do not work any more.
I had to reset the somfy motors and setup Domoticz and my remotes again.
Now almost everything works again as it should.
2 Telis6 and 1 Telis4 and 1 Key remote and Domoticz with RFXcom433E
Only my Slave Domoticz with RFLINK (433.42 MHz) to go.

Re: how can i add Somfy blinds to Domoticz ? (i have de 433.92)

Posted: Tuesday 10 March 2020 13:26
by Ron
Today we had a new sunscreen installed with a Somfy RTS motor.
I used this manual exactly as earlier discribed:

(1) Click on 'Switches', then click on "Manual Light/Switch".
(2) Fill in...
Hardware: RFXtrx433E
Device name: <Name for my Somfy blinds>
Switch Type: Blinds Inverted
Type: RFY
SubType: RFY
ID: <select a random ID>
Unit Code: <select a random number>
(3) Then, on a remote already associated with the blinds:
move the blinds so they are neither fully closed nor fully open.
(4) Switch off the power on the motor, wait for a minute and switch power on again. The blinds make a quick move.
(5) Immediately click on the "Test" button in your Domoticz screen. The blinds make a quick move again, to confirm association..
(6) If successful, click "Add Device".

And all worked as it should, perfectly!
Indeed i think you should NOT learn the Somfy remote into Domoticz as EddyG also described but
just simply add a new switch with te right settings and use that switch to learn this into the RTS motor.
Not more than that...

There is one thing i might want to try:
Add the real Somfy RTS remote into Domoticz and add this one as a "sub slave device" to the "Domoticz blinds" switch for Somfy.
With this function the real Somfy RTS remote should update the status of the Domoticz blinds switch on the screen.

Re: how can i add Somfy blinds to Domoticz ? (i have de 433.92)

Posted: Wednesday 08 April 2020 20:28
by ldvsamoht
Hi all,

Just a quick question, do I need a remote to set up the RFXCom or RFlink?
I own a motor controller with RFS module, but no remote.

Re: how can i add Somfy blinds to Domoticz ? (i have de 433.92)

Posted: Friday 10 April 2020 13:38
by Ron
I think (but not shore) you can do it like this:
Disconnect the mains power of de motor, and all other sunscreen motors.
Connect the mains power of the motor which you want to program.
And directly after connecting the power push the program button on the remote.

Re: how can i add Somfy blinds to Domoticz ? (i have de 433.92)

Posted: Saturday 11 April 2020 21:51
by ldvsamoht
Hi all,

I've had the chance to do some testing and got the screens working without the use of a remote.
Just pressing the button on the motor controller for 2 seconds worked for me.