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email notification

Posted: Thursday 24 May 2018 7:44
by lucius
I want to have e-mail notification in responding to events. I try to configure e-mail (gmail) and I don't have any message. I don't have port forwarding (I can't have access to router). Is it related with this issue?

Re: email notification

Posted: Thursday 24 May 2018 13:56
by SweetPants
Does the Test message arrive?

Edit: Just tested with my own gmail account using SMTP (587), works just fine.

Re: email notification

Posted: Thursday 24 May 2018 14:32
by randytsuch
I don't port forward and get email notifications fine.

I set up a separate email account just for notification since they are free

My primary account requires confirmation so had trouble with that. Separate email is better anyway don't have to worry about email security

Re: email notification

Posted: Saturday 26 May 2018 5:37
by lucius
still, I don't have any message in my gmail account...

password, I put my password to my gmail account

and also it doesn't work
test.png (24.48 KiB) Viewed 10149 times

Re: email notification

Posted: Tuesday 29 May 2018 7:43
by SweetPants
@lucius, Again, does the Test Message arrive?

Re: email notification

Posted: Saturday 22 December 2018 20:54
by juuzo
I have also problems with email notifications. Test message arrives right but I can’t get any notifications. I was wondering if domoticz ever tries to send notifications cause nothing comes in log. How do I know if domoticz is even trying to send email or not?

Re: email notification

Posted: Thursday 27 June 2019 10:33
by tvurce
I am also unable to send any email, not even test mail.

Raspbian + latest dev Domoticz (tried last half year, so not version specific)
Tried GMail and another one SMTP provider. Tried all ports. No luck. In log is just "email sent failed".

How about to install outgoing mail server on Rapsbian and use localhost mail server? Should it work?

Re: email notification

Posted: Thursday 27 June 2019 11:47
by FireWizard

Just a simple question.

Did you configure for each switch/sensor, if you want to send a notification for that switch/sensor, the notification?


Re: email notification

Posted: Thursday 27 June 2019 13:30
by tvurce
Yes. Same with Test mail and with notification from sensor: In log is Notification sent (email) => Failed

I am using Synology and this is able to send emails with my gmail account from same network.

Re: email notification

Posted: Thursday 27 June 2019 13:36
by tvurce
And now, i tried local smtp provider and it works! So finaly, I am happy :)

GMAil still not working, but it is may be problem with two factor authentication. I add an exclusion for this kind of using smtp without luck, but not so big problem.

Anyway, using local mais server should by good idea - I am using this way with my own webserver and there Drupal is using postfix configured for only outgoing mail usage.

Re: email notification

Posted: Thursday 27 June 2019 14:05
by leecollings
Not sure if it helps, but often you may need to dive into your Gmail SMTP relay settings, as often Google will block other services from using this, unless you specify it can be allowed.

Re: email notification

Posted: Monday 10 May 2021 16:52
by AntoineA
The key seems to be app-passwords within Google. In your Google account go to Security and create a new app password (Name it for example: Domoticz for RP) and use the generated password in the password field in the email setup of Domoticz. Username should still be your gmail address of course.
For me this worked. I was able to sent test emails and email notifications again.