Log Messages  [SOLVED]

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Log Messages

Post by DewGew »

After I updated to latest beta v3.9269. I recive update uservarable in my log when I update a uservarable thrue dzVents.
2018-04-19 14:26:00.520 Set UserVariable counter = 27
2018-04-19 14:27:00.320 Set UserVariable counter = 28
2018-04-19 14:28:00.431 Set UserVariable counter = 29
I have a counter updating every minute. is this a bug or Is it possible to disable those logmessages?
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Re: Log Messages  [SOLVED]

Post by dannybloe »

It's not something caused by dzVents. Clearly somewhere in Domoticz got changed. I guess they want to bring this more in line with the rest of the logging. If you change a device like switching a switch, you also see this in the logs.
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Re: Log Messages

Post by DewGew »

Its a status change, same color as script logs but I'm not getting it when using lua..
commandArray['Variable:MyVar']='Some value'
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Re: Log Messages

Post by MikeF »

dannybloe wrote: Wednesday 25 April 2018 11:32 It's not something caused by dzVents. Clearly somewhere in Domoticz got changed.
I'm still not convinced by this. I have been running a dzVents script regularly for months, and I have just added these lines:

Code: Select all

local d_setp_upd = dz.variables('setpoint')
local setpoint_updated = 0

-- do some code

and I now get the following in the Domoticz log every minute:

Code: Select all

Status: Set UserVariable setpoint = 0
Is there any way to suppress this?
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Re: Log Messages

Post by waaren »

MikeF wrote: Sunday 11 October 2020 0:39 Is there any way to suppress this?
This statusmessage comes from deep down in domoticz.

Code: Select all

main/SQLHelper.cpp:3600:   _Log(LOG_STATUS, "Set UserVariable %s = %s", sd[0].c_str(), CURLEncode::URLDecode(itt->_sValue).c_str());
In dzVents you could check the value of the var and only set the value when it is different
You could also suppress the status messages to the log in your domoticz configurations settings. (/etc/init.d/domoticz.sh )
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Re: Log Messages

Post by MikeF »

waaren wrote: Sunday 11 October 2020 1:31 In dzVents you could check the value of the var and only set the value when it is different
Of course! Thanks!
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