ESP8266 CC1101 to control ITHO ecofan RFT [WORKING!]

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ESP8266 CC1101 to control ITHO ecofan RFT [WORKING!]

Post by najtram »

I managed to get a ITHO ecofan RFT being controlled by domoticz. I used the code from klusjesman (see link below) and used the default humidity code from domoticz wiki.

I used a ESP8266/nodeMCU and a CC1101, and a humidity sensor of Cresta.
This message is just to inform people that this is a working solution.

Klusjesman code from: ... /1690945/3

edit: :!: :!: For full instruction see post 3 of this thread....
Last edited by najtram on Wednesday 07 February 2018 13:40, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: ESP8266 CC1101 to control ITHO ecofan RFT

Post by remb0 »

I followed that thread a long time. and I saw that a user Jodur made a compiled version

The only thing I have to do now is soldering and I gonna test it.
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Re: ESP8266 CC1101 to control ITHO ecofan RFT

Post by najtram »

Interesting code, because it looks like it has a bit more options than I do.

For sake of completeness here's what I did:

NODEMCU: ... 66-and-lua
Sensor: ... kan-sensor (for RF-Link 433mhz connection)

Soldered as described here:

Used Arduino IDE to upload code from klusjesman: ... /1690945/3
Tested with http://ip/timer etc (see code)

Then I used domoticz as below:

Used this script for activating on humidity:

I ended up with two switches:
1 Virtual switch is being activated by humidity control script of wiki
2 Virtual switch which is being activated by blockly if (1) is on.
- 2a has a http command wich is send to esp8266 wich activates the timer each time it set to on.
- 2b has a timeout of 5 minutes (no action just switches the virtual switch off) after off, it wil check state of 1 again and stay off or just restarts the timer command.

So result of 2 is it wil activate the timer command each 5 minutes as long as virtual switch 1 is on. When 1 is off, it will finish the timmer of 10min and then stop.

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ESP8266+CC1101 → ITHO ecofan RFT
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Re: ESP8266 CC1101 to control ITHO ecofan RFT [WORKING!]

Post by mchangsp »

Hello najtram,
I have a question:
how did you make the white case I see on ... 63#p170143 ?

And how is the NodeMCU connected to Domoticz?
I am not familiar with Arduino or ESP8266 so this is a mystery for me.
I know how to solder the CC1101 to the ESP8266 but what do I do next to load the firmware in the ESP8266. And how to configure?
Is it like ... HGGYs-/pub ?

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