Interesting code, because it looks like it has a bit more options than I do.
For sake of completeness here's what I did:
NODEMCU: ... 66-and-lua
Sensor: ... kan-sensor (for RF-Link 433mhz connection)
Soldered as described here:
Used Arduino IDE to upload code from klusjesman: ... /1690945/3
Tested with
http://ip/timer etc (see code)
Then I used domoticz as below:
Used this script for activating on humidity:
I ended up with two switches:
1 Virtual switch is being activated by humidity control script of wiki
2 Virtual switch which is being activated by blockly if (1) is on.
- 2a has a http command wich is send to esp8266 wich activates the timer each time it set to on.
- 2b has a timeout of 5 minutes (no action just switches the virtual switch off) after off, it wil check state of 1 again and stay off or just restarts the timer command.
So result of 2 is it wil activate the timer command each 5 minutes as long as virtual switch 1 is on. When 1 is off, it will finish the timmer of 10min and then stop.

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