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Running python scripts with external libraries

Posted: Wednesday 27 December 2017 20:58
by timberwolf
I have this strange situation that probably has a simple solution. I want to run the following script (

Code: Select all

import DomoticzEvents as DE
import verisure

session = verisure.Session('email', 'password')
armstate = session.get_arm_state()
DE.Log("Alarm status")
The problem is that Domoticz will not run the script with the verisure library included. If i remove DomoticzEvents i can run it from the command line without problem. If i remove the Verisure library domoticz runs it as it should every minute.

What have i done wrong?

Re: Running python scripts with external libraries

Posted: Wednesday 27 December 2017 21:04
by febalci
You can import python modules in plugin framework but not in events as far as i know.

Re: Running python scripts with external libraries

Posted: Thursday 28 December 2017 13:22
by moroen
timberwolf wrote: Wednesday 27 December 2017 20:58 I have this strange situation that probably has a simple solution. I want to run the following script (

Code: Select all

import DomoticzEvents as DE
import verisure

session = verisure.Session('email', 'password')
armstate = session.get_arm_state()
DE.Log("Alarm status")
The problem is that Domoticz will not run the script with the verisure library included. If i remove DomoticzEvents i can run it from the command line without problem. If i remove the Verisure library domoticz runs it as it should every minute.

What have i done wrong?
The python-events struggles a bit with import-paths. Try saving the verisure module in the scripts/python-folder.


Re: Running python scripts with external libraries

Posted: Wednesday 13 February 2019 13:27
by miroslavpetrov
Same problem here. The script works in the command line but when triggered with switch on action or from blockly event, the script doesn’t work. Is there a solution or I should integrate the external scripts in the main script?

Re: Running python scripts with external libraries

Posted: Wednesday 13 February 2019 17:52
by Itschi
I had the same problem and finally got it working with the following code:

Code: Select all

import sys
import importlib.util

MODULE_PATH = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Python36-32\Lib\site-packages\modulename\'
MODULE_NAME = 'modulename'
spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(MODULE_NAME, MODULE_PATH)
module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
sys.modules[] = module 
Regards, Itschi

Re: Running python scripts with external libraries

Posted: Saturday 21 August 2021 21:39
by Flopp
Have a look at my plugin, more feature will come but I need help to test them.