Neo Coolcam Motion Sensor Setup questions

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Neo Coolcam Motion Sensor Setup questions

Post by Piet »

in Hardware, do find newly added;
- Temperature (Current temperature value)
- Lux (Current Lux value)
- Alarm Type Burglar (unable to find this value)
- Burglar (find On/Off messages in the log)
- Sensor (find On/Off messages in the log)
- Alarm Level (only find Off messages in the log)
- Alarm Type (only find Off messages in the log)

Question is;
1. what device should I use by preference,
At this moment I am only interested in Motion
Or do I have to activate multiple devices in order to get this working

2. After the Hardware is activated
Sensor only sends ON signal, currently I turn on the lights?
Does not seem to make a difference when I use Burglar or Sensor in my blocky script

In which case Should I use Burglar,
I am able to turn the lights off by using the alarm level Off signal
yes it may make sense to keep on the lights as long as there is motion detected.

Regards Piet
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