This is a simple text to speak using Speech Synthesis API to make your browser speak. I had to use the variables onCalled and offCalled for the speak to run once else it starts over again and again and....maybe someone have simpler way to do this.
// Speech function
function speak(textToSpeak) {
var newUtterance = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance();
newUtterance.text = textToSpeak;
newUtterance.lang = 'en-GB'; // change to your langage if its supported (nl-NL, en-GB, de-DE, etc)
// Devices that run speak function
// change 136 to your idx
var onCalled_136 = false
var offCalled_136 = false
function getStatus_136(idx,value,device){
offCalled_136 = false
speak('Device is on');
onCalled_136 = true
onCalled_136 = false
speak('Device is off');
offCalled_136 = true
I’m using dashticz on my android tablet (Samsung tab a).
When I open dashticz on the Samsung browser I can get sounds when I change a button. Device is turned on or off. But when I use fully kiosk browser it doesn’t work. Is this a bug in dashticz or the fully kiosk browser? How can I solve the problem?
edit: speak function doesnt work, mp3 sounds works
mAiden88 wrote: ↑Thursday 10 May 2018 14:07
I got little bit the same issue.. On my desktop it works perfect, on my ipad i dont get any sound or speak.
mAiden88 wrote: ↑Thursday 10 May 2018 14:07
I got little bit the same issue.. On my desktop it works perfect, on my ipad i dont get any sound or speak.
Also on other browsers ?
I try:
On My Windows desktop i use Chrome.
Anyone can build a fast processor. The trick is to build a fast system.
Vomera wrote: ↑Friday 11 May 2018 13:31
At the moment i use only the mp3 options, as workaround that works for me.
I tried it on my iphone on safari, it works.
Is your sound turned on ?
Volume up to 100%?
Do not disturb off ?
What ios version do you have ?
Let me introduce myself first .. I am certificated in ICT.
Now follow an education to application developer
Yes my sound are on and on 100%.
Do not disturb off is not set.
I have iOS version 11.3
Anyone can build a fast processor. The trick is to build a fast system.
I’m using dashticz on my android tablet (Samsung tab a).
When I open dashticz on the Samsung browser I can get sounds when I change a button. Device is turned on or off. But when I use fully kiosk browser it doesn’t work. Is this a bug in dashticz or the fully kiosk browser? How can I solve the problem?
edit: speak function doesnt work, mp3 sounds works
someone has the solution allready? have the same problem
I’m using dashticz on my android tablet (Samsung tab a).
When I open dashticz on the Samsung browser I can get sounds when I change a button. Device is turned on or off. But when I use fully kiosk browser it doesn’t work. Is this a bug in dashticz or the fully kiosk browser? How can I solve the problem?
edit: speak function doesnt work, mp3 sounds works
someone has the solution allready? have the same problem
Its a known problem with Kiosk for a long time..
Cant you use chrome for this? (I thought only benefit was fullscreen mode but its possible inside Dashticz now? Or am i missing something?)
I’m using dashticz on my android tablet (Samsung tab a).
When I open dashticz on the Samsung browser I can get sounds when I change a button. Device is turned on or off. But when I use fully kiosk browser it doesn’t work. Is this a bug in dashticz or the fully kiosk browser? How can I solve the problem?
edit: speak function doesnt work, mp3 sounds works
someone has the solution allready? have the same problem
Its a known problem with Kiosk for a long time..
Cant you use chrome for this? (I thought only benefit was fullscreen mode but its possible inside Dashticz now? Or am i missing something?)
I will check this when i'm home. Didnt know there is a full screen mode in dashticz now! I miss that part!
function getStatus_262(block) {
var Data = block.device.Data;
var idx = block.idx;
var device = block.device;
if (parseFloat(Data) < 1.5) {
trigger_262 = true;
block.addClass = 'warning'; // set the addClass parameter for block 262
speak('Alarm is is triggered');
else {
trigger_262 = false;
block.addClass = ''; // reset the addClass parameter for block 262
-= HP server GEN8 Xeon(R) E3-1220L_V2 -=- OZW -=- Toon2 (rooted) -=- Domoticz v2024.7 -=- Dashticz v3.12b on Tab8" =-