433mHz switches without RFXcom

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433mHz switches without RFXcom

Post by Tyraiden »

Hi all,

I'm new here and pretty new to Domoticz too.
I've started playing with home automation about a week back and got my old Impuls switches working on my Raspberry Pi with some cheap RF sender and receiver on the GPIO pins.

I've also got some old Silvercrest 60494 switches and bought Flamongo SF-501 switches but can't seem to get them to work.
I've downloaded and build the 433 utils from ninjablocks (https://github.com/ninjablocks/433Utils ... #rpi_utils) and was able to sniff the Impuls codes to get them working.
My Silvercrest remote shows codes too, but they seem to be rolling codes (as far as I've read on the internet). I've tried to send them from the commandline but with no effect.

The new Flamingo SF-501 switches won't show anything with RFSniffer. I've tried changing the pulse length from 50 to 1000 in steps of 50 but it won't show anything even though I'm practically brushing the remote on the receiver.

Does anyone has experience with either the Silvercrest 60494 or the Flamingo SF-501 without a fancy RFXcom unit?
I'd like to get this to work :)
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Re: 433mHz switches without RFXcom

Post by luberth »

i have a resistor and led on the data line off reciever to gnd
flamingo is sending according to the blinking data led
but indeed rfsniffer does not give a code

http://luberth.com/Bangert_30_1619GJ_An ... _Pi_433Mhz
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Re: 433mHz switches without RFXcom

Post by luberth »

Action flamingo 433mhz wall sockets
got it working now

http://luberth.com/Bangert_30_1619GJ_An ... _Pi_433Mhz
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Re: 433mHz switches without RFXcom

Post by Havym »

Your link doenst work anymore.
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