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FIBARO System FGMS001-ZW5 Motion Sensor

Posted: Tuesday 31 October 2017 11:32
by kryptonneke
I have Fibaro motion sensor. And when I added the hardware to domotics a number of devices were created:
Capture.PNG (21.81 KiB) Viewed 532 times
Currently I use the first one, the motion one.
Question is , when do I use the other ones? What is the General for? The Alarm Level & Type. And when to use the Event???

Re: FIBARO System FGMS001-ZW5 Motion Sensor

Posted: Saturday 29 December 2018 17:26
by Benneton

Did you work that out? I have added this same sensor today and have same devices.
Motion works in script, but I cannot get the dusk sensor to work, it only is on when motion is active, which I do not want, just want it as dusk sensor to switch lights on when dark.

Also I so not see what the Alarm level, Alarm Type, Burglar (could it be temper alarm?) and Alarm Type: Buglar 7 are used for?

Support much appreciated