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Post by crazynight »

I have a owl CM180 monitoring our usage and solar generated power.

It is not visible via the RFlink, Having searched the forum seems many people are using them yet I can not find anything that helps.

Is there anything special I need to do to pick up the rf signal alternatively is there a script to capture the UDP packets from the network?

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Re: C180

Post by ismo67 »

I also have OWL CM180i and it is sending reports all the time to Domoticz with RFlink ver r48.
But there is some problems with values so I am also looking for script for this.
Here is there thread I opened for this issue:
http://www.domoticz.com/forum/viewtopic ... 14&t=20981
Rasperry Pi4, Shelly, Yeelights, Xiaomi, Tuya, Tahoma, ESPEASY, Google Home
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