Currently I have a server running Domoticz with a z-wave stick, I also have some philips hue lights connected to the hub, which then is connected to Domoticz ofcourse.
The server and the hub is connted to a UPS, so the server and the hub is not affected by the problem below .
The problem I have is that the electricity sometimes goes off for less than a second, this doesnt effect anything in my appartment other then the Hue lights. The Hue lights will set to full brightness since this is a configuration which philips have made. Problem is that this sometimes happens during night which then wakes my up, then I need to turn everything off again and go to sleep.
First I thought I had a bug, but then I checked the logs in Domoticz, and since I have some Fibaro Dimmers (on other lights) I saw this message in the logs which made me realize that it was a problem with the eletricity
Code: Select all
General/Alarm (Alarm Type: Power Management 8 (0x08))