Help me to right direction DzVents

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Help me to right direction DzVents

Post by poudenes »

Hi All,

I want change all my blocky to dzVents. Have played with some simple switch actions. But don't know how to handle this:
I have a Between sunset - sunrise, and couple of "AND" devices on or off that will trigger a action. In DzVents i see only 1 ON after active.

If someone can help me out then i can understand how to do this for rest of the blocky actions

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Re: Help me to right direction DzVents

Post by Toyman »

I believe, in "on" section you should put timer as a trigger (after sunset and before sunrise)

and then in "execute" section just put "if device1 is on and device 2 is off and so on", then "switch evening scene on".

The script will be checked every minute between sunset and sunrise and executed if condictions are met
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