Marcel wrote: ↑Monday 04 September 2017 12:00
`thanks, works for me too, I do have some feedback however. Should I send that to the bugs and issues pages?
Installed APP, entered configuration (IP, Port, name, etc...).
Then the App is telling me "checking configuration" and it crashes.
Tried several times, no luck.....
this issue appears when you enter the public ip address AND the private (local) ip address
When I just use the local ip, the configuration finish and I can use the App.
Afterwards updating the information with the external and internal isn't working, the setup checks, but no results.
Maybe it has something to do with http / https configuration. I have to look further into this.
1 x Raspberry Pi4 Raspbian
1 x ANT GP433Mhz
1 x Rfxcom
1 x RainSensor
1 x Kaku Doorbel
1 X Aeon Z-Wave USB Stick
25 x Fibaro WallPlug
2 x ZRC90
2 x Aeotec MultiSensor
6 x zWave Greenwave 6
4 x zWave Greenwave 1
1 x Pi slave for Electra and Gas
There is a problem with external access if the Dyn provider is not available.
First you specify the external access, e. g. with DynDNS or Changeip.
The second is the internal access with the local IP address.
If the external provider has a problem, or the Internet does not work, there is an error message.
If you are in the internal area, the app should still work, because the internal connection was specified as the second one.
If the external connection does not work because of a fault, the internal connection does not work either, even though you are in the internal area.
The app does not continue and does not check the local connection.
I am a novice and I wonder about the interest of this app. What does it bring compared to the view in a browser that seems much more ergonomic ?
Best regards
I've one little issue with the app.
The controlling of my thermostaat (Toon) is not working. When i change the temparature nothing is happening.
Other Apps (Pilot) or by webpage is working.
Any clue what this can be ?
-= HP server GEN8 Xeon(R) E3-1220L_V2 -=- OZW -=- Toon2 (rooted) -=- Domoticz v2024.7 -=- Dashticz v3.12b on Tab8" =-
I purchased the App and think its great, just a bit disappointed that you cannot use a self signed certificate like you can in the Pilot App, even free certificates require them to be updated every three months which is still a pain.
If you mean LetsEncrypt with free certificates, they are made to be auto-updated.
I have this line in my crontab, which runs every week. It updates the certificates when necessary, well in advance of expiration