Got new switch status from Relay Node (MySensors) but dashboard not update

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Got new switch status from Relay Node (MySensors) but dashboard not update

Post by sineverba »

Hi to all,
I have a MySensor Node that every 5 seconds (for test, but same also every 5 minutes) sends to the gateway (and so to Domoticz) the current status of a relay.

Domoticz (or at least gateway?) seems read right the status, it is 0. But on the board the status is "ON", never goes off.

Same also for the inverse: if status is OFF on Domoticz and I trigger the relay, the board does not change.

An image I think will tell more:


Thank you for your time to help me.
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Re: Got new switch status from Relay Node (MySensors) but dashboard not update

Post by Toyman »

I believe it is updated internally but not reflected in web GUI.
I faced it once. This is odd, but this is how Domoticz is designed. I was told this is to make sure GUI doesn't slow down the internals
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