using RasPi hardware PWM GPIOs to dim LEDstrips ?

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using RasPi hardware PWM GPIOs to dim LEDstrips ?

Post by pascalspits »

Hi, I read that the RasPi has 2 hardware PWM GPIO's :

"There are two hardware PWM channels on the BCM2385/6.
PWM0, which can be set to use GPIOs 12, 18, 40, and 52. Only 12 (pin 32) and 18 (pin 12) are available on the B+/2B, and PWM1 which can be set to use GPIOs 13, 19, 41, 45 and 53. Only 13 is available on the B+/2B, on pin 35 (but I think PWM1 is used for something - is it the audio output?)"

Is there a way to use these in Domoticz as LEDstrip dimmers (via a MOSFET of course) ?
If so, how is this done ?

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Re: using RasPi hardware PWM GPIOs to dim LEDstrips ?

Post by Yayaa10 »

Hi I'm interested to this way.

Actualy I use the PWM with a Python script and a light ON/OFF whose execute the script when the light turn ON.

Is it possible to use a dimmer swich in order to use a ON/OFF switch and a script ?
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