Today Gizmocus merged an important pull request into Domoticz that should fix the high cpu load when dzVents is enabled on some (mostly slower) systems. Thanks to the hard and clever work of jvandenbroek and scottdj2! You guys are awesome and so helpful!! Thanks to them dzVents is now blazing fast and peeps who don't use it should not notice any speed differences even when it is enabled (not by default anymore!, don't forget to enable it in the settings!!).
On top of that I merged a couple of fixes and additions to the dzVents parts, enough to bump it to version 2.1.0 (using semver versioning). Even though dzVents is now an integral part of Domoticz I still like to give dzVents its own version numbering as I think this makes it easier to talk about it.
I also would like to thank people for all the positive feedback they gave me. All that makes it fun for me to work on it and keep working on it. I really hope that people enjoy writing scripts using dzVents and that even (at least some) Blockly users dare to cross the bridge to real coding (coz I truly believe that writing code is a lot easier than pushing along pieces of a hardly-readable puzzle.. but who am I? ).
So, please keep posting feedback, questions, suggestions and even fixes and enhancements (coz it ain't ready yet and I'm sure there are plenty of hidden features (eh... bugs) in there). Also, dzVents relies heavily on device adapters that makes sure that interacting with your devices is indeed easy. However, as I don't have all the hardware myself, we rely on all of you with specific hardware to make sure all the necessary adapters are created. So, if you have a device and you don't see your specific attributes and methods in the docs, please let me know or write an adapter yourself (see the wiki on how to do that).
So, without further ado, here is the list of 2.1.0 changes:
- dzVents is no longer enabled by default. So enable it in "settings > other" to use it.
- Added support for switching RGB(W) devices (including Philips/Hue) to have toggleSwitch(), switchOn() and switchOff() and a proper level attribute.
- Added support for Ampère 1 and 3-phase devices
- Added support for leaf wetness devices
- Added support for scale weight devices
- Added support for soil moisture devices
- Added support for sound level devices
- Added support for visibility devices
- Added support for waterflow devices
- Added missing color attribute to alert sensor devices
- Added updateEnergy() to electric usage devices
- Fixed casing for WhTotal, WhActual methods on kWh devices (Watt's in a name?)
- Added toCelsius() helper method to domoticz object as the various update temperature methods all need celsius.
- Added lastLevel for dimmers so you can see the level of the dimmer just before it was switched off (and while is it still on).
- Added integration tests for full round-trip Domoticz => dzVents => Domoticz => dzVents tests (100 tests). Total tests (unit+integration) now counts 395!
- Fixed a bug setting 'uservariables'. Under the hood it still uses json api calls to update the uservariable in Domoticz otherwise you won't get uservariable event scripts triggered in dzVents.
- Added dzVents version information in the Domoticz settings page for easy checking what dzVents version is being used in your Domoticz build. Even though it is integrated with Domoticz, it is handy for dzVents to have it's own heartbeat.
- avg(), avgSince(), sum() and sumSince() now return 0 instead of nil for empty history sets. Makes more sense.
- Fixed boiler example to fallback to the current temperature when there is no history data yet when it calculates the average temperature.
- Use different api command for setting setPoints in the Thermostat setpoint device adapter.