Getting Data from Domintell to Domoticz

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Getting Data from Domintell to Domoticz

Post by harryn »

I have no idea how to upload to domoticz the information from my house automation system (Domintell)
if I use packetsender ( and I type LOGIN and send to the IP and port of the Domintell unit I get info on the devices and status of these devices.
What I do not know how to do is upload this data to Domoticz.
I was think of using a LUA script but I do not want to constantly but in intervals of 1 minute/etc
Below is a sample of the output from packetsender with the info the Domintell unit is sending back.
Could you please help me with this?

TIME From IP From Port To IP To Port Method Error ASCII Hex
57:14.0 You 51081 17480 UDP LOGIN 4c 4f 47 49 4e
57:14.0 17480 You 51081 UDP INFO:Session opened:INFO\r\n 49 4E 46 4F 3A 53 65 73 73 69 6F 6E 20 6F 70 65 6E 65 64 3A 49 4E 46 4F 0D 0A
57:14.5 17480 You 51081 UDP IS8 4B0EI40\r\n 49 53 38 20 20 34 42 30 45 49 34 30 0D 0A
Traffic log from Packetsender
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Re: Getting Data from Domintell to Domoticz

Post by lebeck »

I'm also interested.

I've contacted Domintell asking them to write the API.
They need to comeback to me because atm they only replied that it should be possible true the DETH02 and the light protocol they are using.

otherwise we'll have to write it :lol:

Any one with API experience ?
If I could get my hand on one it could be a good start
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Re: Getting Data from Domintell to Domoticz

Post by harryn »

I have written the following code which can communicate with domintell and receive data

import socket
import time

UDP_IP = ''
UDP_PORT = 30040

sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, # Internet
socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # UDP
print ("connected" , "UDP target IP:", UDP_IP , "UDP target port:", UDP_PORT)

print ("LOGIN")
sock.sendto(LOGIN.encode(), (UDP_IP,UDP_PORT))


sock.sendto(APPINFO.encode(), (UDP_IP,UDP_PORT))
print ("APPINFO")

while True:
data, addr = sock.recvfrom(1024) # buffer size is 1024 bytes
print ("received message:", data)

sock.sendto(LOGOUT, (UDP_IP,UDP_PORT))

I am not sure now how to proceed further
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Re: Getting Data from Domintell to Domoticz

Post by lebeck »

sorry for the shitty link but can't post a 441k pdf on this forum :'(
You'll find here the Domintell document on what they call light protocol ... 2MB8FTMr9T

Harry what's that language you're using ?
What module are you talking to Harry ? DETH02 ?

Here's a exemple of what I've done with packettt sender.

exemple of return from APPINFO : BIR 3D96-8Buanderie[Maison|Rez|Buanderie]\r\n)

Exemple for ON/OFF on DBIR
BIR 3D96-8%I
BIR 3D96-8%O

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Re: Getting Data from Domintell to Domoticz

Post by wouterV »


I'm working on a similar project.
In the newest version, connection can be made trough wss
I assume you are using python (based on what I read in your code and what I looked up so far ;)
I found some working projects (linkt to homekit via JS and JSON), but can't seem to make it work myself.

Is this topic still alive?
Kind regards,
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