1-Wire Lightning

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1-Wire Lightning

Post by PeteC »

Very nice automation program. I am still looking to automate the weather here. ;)

Testing 3 lightning sensors here and wondering...

Base RPi2 - using Wheezy - 9097 USB to Serial + ZWave dot me GPIO + PiFace RTC shim.
Combo temperature and humidity sensors - old AAG and Midon and Hobby boards combo sensors. Weather station is using Meteo stick and Davis. Dallas rain tipping bucket (1-wire) and Digital Rain sensor.

1 - Hobby Boards Lightning sensor - dual 1-wire counters - one is a total count and the other counter is a rate count.

Is there anything I can do to adjust display?
lightning.jpg (100.04 KiB) Viewed 1992 times
2 - EMP sensor - testing with Python and it works fine.

This one just counts pulses on GPIO port. I am testing 3. Each board has a flashing white LED and sound chirp board plus a digital and analogue output.

3 - AS3935 Lightning sensor

This one uses two GPIO ports and one IRQ pin for lightning and a distance count. Testing with Python and it works fine.
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Re: 1-Wire Lightning

Post by dutchnomad »

Can you elaborate on the hardware setup and the python scripting used for the AS3935?
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Re: 1-Wire Lightning

Post by freijn »


Have you tried the custom sensor ?
There you can change labels and so. Unfortunately I am struggling/not happy with tally it up per day.
So lables and flexability for a custom sensor is great and perhaps what you are looking for, but the totals in the way you do it now seems better.

Please have a look yourself :-) perhaps reporting to both ( split and dual report? )
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Re: 1-Wire Lightning

Post by PeteC »

Here is a picture of the hardware set up.
RPiLightning sensor.jpg
RPiLightning sensor.jpg (366.55 KiB) Viewed 1861 times
And here is the Python script I am using. Currently just writing a log then sharing the log file to the Domoticz server.

Code: Select all

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#! /usr/bin/env python
AS3935-monitor.py: A monitoring script for the AS3935 lightning
    sensor on the MOD-1016 v6 breakout board.  Requires both the
    RaspberryPi-AS3935 and RPi.GPIO Python modules.  Note that
    the reset function requires VCT fork of RaspberryPi-AS3935.

simple invocation:
    $ sudo python AS3935-monitor.py

error logging invocation:
    $ sudo python -u AS3935-monitor.py > >(tee -a output.log) 2> >(tee error.log >&2)

Licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or greater.
Copyright 2014 Vanguard Computer Technology Labs, Inc.

from RPi_AS3935 import RPi_AS3935
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
from datetime import datetime


## Rev 1 Raspberry Pi: bus=0
## Rev 2 and later Raspberry Pi: bus=1
## All: address=<i2c add>

sensor = RPi_AS3935(address=0x03, bus=1)

## Uncomment to reset all registers to factory default values.


## uncomment/set to filter out false positives

def log_raw_data(data):
    # need to pass time as parameter and convert to UTC here
    utcnow = datetime.utcnow()
    version = 01
    timestamp = utcnow.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
    outstring = str(version)+" "+str(timestamp)+" "+str(data)+" "+str(min_strikes)+" "+str(noise_floor)+"\n"

def handle_interrupt(channel):
    global sensor
    reason = sensor.get_interrupt()
    if reason == 0x01:
        print("Noise level too high - adjusting")
    elif reason == 0x04:
        print("Disturber detected - masking")
    elif reason == 0x08:
        now = datetime.now()
        distance = sensor.get_distance()
        if 0 < distance < 63:
        if distance == 1:
            print("Overhead lightning detected - distance = " + str(distance) + " km at %s ") % now.strftime("%H:%M:%S.%f")[:-3],now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
        elif 40 < distance < 63:
            print("Distant lightning detected - distance = " + str(distance) + " kms at %s") % now.strftime("%H:%M:%S.%f")[:-3],now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
        elif 2 <= distance <= 40:
            print("Lightning detected - distance = " + str(distance) + " kms at %s") % now.strftime("%H:%M:%S.%f")[:-3],now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
            print("Invalid data; distance out of range.")

irq_pin = 17
cs_pin = 24

GPIO.setup(irq_pin, GPIO.IN)
GPIO.add_event_detect(irq_pin, GPIO.RISING, callback=handle_interrupt)

def read_settings():
    global min_strikes, noise_floor
    min_strikes = sensor.get_min_strikes()
    noise_floor = sensor.get_noise_floor()

def print_settings():
    print("Minimum allowed strikes is " + str(min_strikes))
    print("Current noise floor is " + str(noise_floor))

running = True

    print("AS3935 Lightning Detection Monitor Script - v0.1")
    print("  Monitor Status: ONLINE")
    ## log raw data to file

    while running:

except KeyboardInterrupt:
    print("  Monitor Status: OFFLINE")

    GPIO.cleanup() # clean up GPIO on CTRL+C exit
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Re: 1-Wire Lightning

Post by PeteC »

Have you tried the custom sensor ?
Thank you freijn.

Yes been trying with just the counter variable.

It would ideally be a lua script.

The script would use the two variables.

Variable 1 lightning counter would be set to zero every night at midnight for a total count per day.
Variable 2 would subract from previous read and divide by the time between reads for a lightning counter per minute.

I was able to do this with xAP / xPL in Windows many many years ago.
Hardware: ARM, Intel, AMD based Linux boxes
OS: now all Linux (and a bit of Wintel)
Automation: X10, Inteon, UPB, Zigbee and ZWave - HAI Leviton OmniPro 2 panel (security and automation)
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