Foscam FI9928P PTZ control

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Foscam FI9928P PTZ control

Post by nigels0 »


I'm looking at the new Foscam FI9928P camera, but before I buy it, does anyone know if Domoticz could support the following:

Camera is looking at the path, but when a motion sensor (or doorbell) is triggered, it moves to that location, zooms in for a bit - takes a snapshot, mails it to me, then returns to its original position.

Haven't seen anything in the forums that describe this (the snapshot and mailing seems possible though)
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Re: Foscam FI9928P PTZ control

Post by emme »

you can use http cgi links to operate your camera:

when dorbell rings (of course DOmoticz CAN intercept such trigger), send the HTTP command to move to a specific point the camera

here is the link: ... .11.06.pdf

I was in the mood to create a plugin for that... but I do not have the time for :(
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Re: Foscam FI9928P PTZ control

Post by nigels0 »

Thanks. I'll have a look.
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Re: Foscam FI9928P PTZ control

Post by Pjedr »

I did it like this, with a foscam compatible camera:

Code: Select all

#Doorbell ringing, send telegram notification:
if [ -e "/var/ramdrive/domoticz" ]; then RUNDIR="/var/ramdrive"; else RUNDIR="/opt/domoticz"; fi;
#wget -q --output-document ${TEMPDIR}/snapshot.jpg http://<user>:<password>@
#curl -s -m 5 http://<user>:<password>@ > ${TEMPDIR}/snapshot.jpg
nohup ${SCRIPTSDIR}/ msg <your_telegram_adress> "Kijk eens wie er voor mijn deur staat aan te bellen?" &>/dev/null
if ping -c 1 > /dev/null; then
 if [ -e "${TEMPDIR}/snapshot.jpg" ]; then rm "${TEMPDIR}/snapshot.jpg"; fi
 nohup wget -q --output-document ${TEMPDIR}/snapshot.jpg http://<user>:<password>@ |>/dev/null
 #ls -l /var/ramdrive/snapshot.jpg; echo "${SCRIPTSDIR}/ send_photo <your_telegram_adress> ${TEMPDIR}/snapshot.jpg"
 nohup ${SCRIPTSDIR}/ send_photo <your_telegram_adress> ${TEMPDIR}/snapshot.jpg &>/dev/null
 nohup curl -s -m 5 http://<user>:<password>@ |>/dev/null; sleep 6s
 if [ -e "${TEMPDIR}/snapshot.jpg" ]; then rm "${TEMPDIR}/snapshot.jpg"; fi
 nohup wget -q --output-document ${TEMPDIR}/snapshot.jpg http://<user>:<password>@ |>/dev/null
 #ls -l /var/ramdrive/snapshot.jpg; echo "${SCRIPTSDIR}/ send_photo <your_telegram_adress> ${TEMPDIR}/snapshot.jpg"
 nohup ${SCRIPTSDIR}/ send_photo <your_telegram_adress> ${TEMPDIR}/snapshot.jpg &>/dev/null
 if [ -e "${TEMPDIR}/snapshot.jpg" ]; then rm "${TEMPDIR}/snapshot.jpg"; fi; sleep 6s
 nohup wget -q --output-document ${TEMPDIR}/snapshot.jpg http://<user>:<password>@ |>/dev/null
 #ls -l /var/ramdrive/snapshot.jpg; echo "${SCRIPTSDIR}/ send_photo <your_telegram_adress> ${TEMPDIR}/snapshot.jpg"
 nohup ${SCRIPTSDIR}/ send_photo <your_telegram_adress> ${TEMPDIR}/snapshot.jpg &>/dev/null
 nohup curl -s -m 5 http://<user>:<password>@ |>/dev/null
 nohup ${SCRIPTSDIR}/ msg <your_telegram_adress> "Webcam3 is niet online, zo raad maar wie." &>/dev/null
nohup echo "Klaar" 2>&1 | >/dev/null
I get several telegrams with pics from different angle, after taking pics camara moves back to start position.
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Re: Foscam FI9928P PTZ control

Post by Pjedr »

Code: Select all

if [ -e "/var/ramdrive/domoticz" ]; then RUNDIR="/var/ramdrive"; else RUNDIR="/opt/domoticz-extra/"; fi
TEMPDIR="${RUNDIR}/temp"; LOGDIR="${RUNDIR}/log"; echo "`date` $*" >> ${LOGDIR}/${0##*/}.log;
TOKEN=<your_telegram_token>; CHATID=<your_chat_id>; echo "Sending Telegram: $*";
echo "param1=$1"
if [ $1 == 'send_photo' ]; then
 echo curl -s -X POST "${TOKEN}/sendPhoto" -F chat_id=${CHATID} -F photo="@${3}"
 curl -s -X POST "${TOKEN}/sendPhoto" -F chat_id=${CHATID} -F photo="@${3}"
 echo 'Foto verzonden'
 curl --data chat_id=${CHATID} --data-urlencode "text=$1" "${TOKEN}/sendMessage"
 echo 'Tekst verzonden'
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Re: Foscam FI9928P PTZ control

Post by nigels0 »

Thanks, but I'm using the newer cameras with HD and there doesn't seem an easy way to start a manual record for video or snap a picture in the CGI user guide (I'm using V1.06). Anyone have an idea?

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