The following improvement points would be nice:
-A better way to authenticate. Currently the format username:password@ip is used but it is a deprecated method which can't be used anymore from june.
-When you run the dashboard 24/7 a day it sometimes happens that domoticz can't be reached for whatever reason, bad wifi, domoticz busy or something. This result is an alert pop-up which stays in the screen. Maybe it better to write this error to the browser console log so the dashboard continuous
-While running 24/7 it sometimes happens the weather isn't loaded for whatever reason (api not available, internet hick-up) and is empty and the layout is messed up. A dashboard refresh fixes it. When you run 24/7 with a tablet on the wall you won't want to refresh the dashboard every 30 minutes as it is distractive. Maybe the refresh process can be more invisible without going out of stand-by are something. A bit the same as the domoticz refresh but not every few seconds, but a invisible refresh for the internet data every 10 minutes or so.
But overall, I really like this dashboard