Low consumption internet connection

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Low consumption internet connection

Post by Chenel »

I am considering to use DomoticZ in a countryside house without cable/fiber internet connection, and I would not like to be on the cheap side on the mobile data fees.

I will use the mobile connection more on the side to receive messages related with any event, problem or security issue, DomoticZ will be used to control irrigation, security, and things like this. The only issue I need to use in remote now is to start the heat system and know the temperature inside the house.

I have been seen the hardware supported by DomoticZ but I have not found any device to allow to use mobile data (SIM).

I have previous experience with a router with sim capabilities at this house, and the problem is that it consumes data even if I am not using any device connected to the network, so if I leave it for a long time it will consume a lot of data, this is something I would like to avoid and use a device that only use when needs to send messages.

I prefer email over SMS, because in my country there are low price tariffs for only data but not fot SMS, each SMS message has to be paid indenpently.

As I understand the system will have to request for any incoming email (for example I am considering to use the email to start the heating system or request to send me the temperature) I would like to be able to configure the schedule of requesting in order to reduce the volume of data.

I will appreciatte any help in order to know if there any hardware with this capability and also to know if DomoticZ allows to manage systems based on messages by email.
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Re: Low consumption internet connection

Post by stlaha2007 »

Problem related to rougers and 'dailup' connections is that there are several options that request updates (think of time/dns etcetera) that trigger dailup.
Most consumer grade routers have no or extremely limited capabilities to eliminate this traffic.

You need a router (like Edgerouter Lite 3 cheap and configurable) so you can route wanted traffic on demand and not route traffic you do not want. For a not IT-savy consumer hard to setup. But basicly configured, it effectivily can block any traffic from out to in AND what you want also from inside to outside.

I own one myself and configured it like would be with Cisco or other Enterprisee-like configurations.
On the otherhand i do not have an working example according to your specific setup.

Sent from my K00C using Tapatalk
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