Upload Plugin procedure

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Upload Plugin procedure

Post by emme »


Just a question... is might be possibile to create a UI page for manually upload and maintain the plugins?
Maybe also a repository with all plugin available for download?

Like in many other servers with UI where you can select the package, install it or upload manually

This will answer a problem I have (not at home with no ssh or sFTP access to the PI

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Re: Upload Plugin procedure

Post by ffes »

Uploading through the interface would be really helpful.

But first the Python plugin API needs to get included in a stable release.

And a repository would great as well. Although that would raise expectations of users. They would expect that plugin can be updated automatically. So a repository is much more difficult then a upload feature.
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Re: Upload Plugin procedure

Post by Dnpwwo »

@gizmocuz and I have discussed wanting to create a central repository and upload feature but haven't had time.

If anyone has some ideas and wants to get involved they would be welcome.
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