Good to know, had not thought about thosesquandor wrote:Actually bar chart and donut charts does support multiple devicesSnowtiger wrote:It is not possible to get 2 variables in one chart in Domoticz, and so in Domoboard?

Moderators: leecollings, wez3
Good to know, had not thought about thosesquandor wrote:Actually bar chart and donut charts does support multiple devicesSnowtiger wrote:It is not possible to get 2 variables in one chart in Domoticz, and so in Domoboard?
No problem and wez3 has created an bug in github so we will try to fix the line charts so that it is possible to have multiple devices in the chartSnowtiger wrote:Good to know, had not thought about thosesquandor wrote:Actually bar chart and donut charts does support multiple devicesSnowtiger wrote:It is not possible to get 2 variables in one chart in Domoticz, and so in Domoboard?
good news (y)squandor wrote:No problem and wez3 has created an bug in github so we will try to fix the line charts so that it is possible to have multiple devices in the chartSnowtiger wrote:Good to know, had not thought about thosesquandor wrote: Actually bar chart and donut charts does support multiple devices
i actually don't know, we only parse the value's out of domoticz instead of calculating them so maybe the calculation depends on something in domoticz.Trigun wrote:Hi Guys,
Is it common that when adding total usage table, it doesn't add up correctly?
mine shows 3.400 + 0.400 = 7.200
thanks in advance!
Code: Select all
components = line_charts, bar_charts, power_usage, domoticz_smart_charts
Lamp Zolder = 6,switch
Temperatuur zolder = 36,month,temp
Total Usage Zolderlamp = 15,month,usage
Totaal overloop lamp = 4,month,usage
Usage Overlooplamp = 4, month,usage
Usage Zolderlamp = 15, month,usage
Well I know why it's not working but you're not going to be happy about it.Trigun wrote:Hi Guys,
I've fiddling around with Domoboard for a while and it's great but during the time i ran into a few issues.
* Power_usage charts are not adding up correctly(If I use them seperately it's working fine though but adding two different devices is not working correctly)
* i cannot seem to get two of the same graphs showing the powerusage of 2 different devices
reason for this is that I would like to use Domoboard as a dashboard to show the status/usage of different devices in my network.
the is the setup for 1 room I would like to use:Hopefully I am doing something wrong and someone is able to point me in the right direction.Code: Select all
[werkkamer] [[display_components]] components = line_charts, bar_charts, power_usage, domoticz_smart_charts [[top_tiles]] [[switches]] Lamp Zolder = 6,switch [[line_charts]] Temperatuur zolder = 36,month,temp [[domoticz_smart_charts]] Total Usage Zolderlamp = 15,month,usage Totaal overloop lamp = 4,month,usage [[power_usage]] Usage Overlooplamp = 4, month,usage Usage Zolderlamp = 15, month,usage
Thanks in advance
hmm thats a shame, is there a possible workaround perhaps?squandor wrote:Well I know why it's not working but you're not going to be happy about it.Trigun wrote:Hi Guys,
I've fiddling around with Domoboard for a while and it's great but during the time i ran into a few issues.
* Power_usage charts are not adding up correctly(If I use them seperately it's working fine though but adding two different devices is not working correctly)
* i cannot seem to get two of the same graphs showing the powerusage of 2 different devices
reason for this is that I would like to use Domoboard as a dashboard to show the status/usage of different devices in my network.
the is the setup for 1 room I would like to use:Hopefully I am doing something wrong and someone is able to point me in the right direction.Code: Select all
[werkkamer] [[display_components]] components = line_charts, bar_charts, power_usage, domoticz_smart_charts [[top_tiles]] [[switches]] Lamp Zolder = 6,switch [[line_charts]] Temperatuur zolder = 36,month,temp [[domoticz_smart_charts]] Total Usage Zolderlamp = 15,month,usage Totaal overloop lamp = 4,month,usage [[power_usage]] Usage Overlooplamp = 4, month,usage Usage Zolderlamp = 15, month,usage
Thanks in advance
We use the charts functions from domoticz but they used globals for the charts which means that you can't use the same graph types on the same page like 2 times month.
We don't know how to fix that at the moment because the code of domoticz is quite large
Maybe use 1 smart chart and one normal chartTrigun wrote:hmm thats a shame, is there a possible workaround perhaps?squandor wrote:Well I know why it's not working but you're not going to be happy about it.Trigun wrote:Hi Guys,
I've fiddling around with Domoboard for a while and it's great but during the time i ran into a few issues.
* Power_usage charts are not adding up correctly(If I use them seperately it's working fine though but adding two different devices is not working correctly)
* i cannot seem to get two of the same graphs showing the powerusage of 2 different devices
reason for this is that I would like to use Domoboard as a dashboard to show the status/usage of different devices in my network.
the is the setup for 1 room I would like to use:Hopefully I am doing something wrong and someone is able to point me in the right direction.Code: Select all
[werkkamer] [[display_components]] components = line_charts, bar_charts, power_usage, domoticz_smart_charts [[top_tiles]] [[switches]] Lamp Zolder = 6,switch [[line_charts]] Temperatuur zolder = 36,month,temp [[domoticz_smart_charts]] Total Usage Zolderlamp = 15,month,usage Totaal overloop lamp = 4,month,usage [[power_usage]] Usage Overlooplamp = 4, month,usage Usage Zolderlamp = 15, month,usage
Thanks in advance
We use the charts functions from domoticz but they used globals for the charts which means that you can't use the same graph types on the same page like 2 times month.
We don't know how to fix that at the moment because the code of domoticz is quite large
Ok, that sounds promising.squandor wrote:Maybe use 1 smart chart and one normal chartTrigun wrote:hmm thats a shame, is there a possible workaround perhaps?squandor wrote: Well I know why it's not working but you're not going to be happy about it.
We use the charts functions from domoticz but they used globals for the charts which means that you can't use the same graph types on the same page like 2 times month.
We don't know how to fix that at the moment because the code of domoticz is quite large
Or 1 month and another year type. We are looking to combine devices in one chart so you will have the same principle.
Strange, when i checked (and double checked), my postcode (zip code) was recognized on, 3161LH, 27 but it also gives an unknown zip-codesquandor wrote:
That's the right notation. But if I trie to use you're zip code on it doesn't give an result so afvalwijzer doesnt support you're zip code
Code: Select all
root@DiskStation:/var/packages/domoboard# python -c domo.conf
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 149, in <module>
unsanitizedConfig = configobj.ConfigObj(configfile)
File "build/bdist.linux-armv5tel/egg/", line 1229, in __init__
File "build/bdist.linux-armv5tel/egg/", line 1318, in _load
configobj.NestingError: Cannot compute the section depth at line 76.
Code: Select all
components = news
rssfeed =
This NOS feeds is serviced by FeedBurner and therefore not available in this way - I tried and it worksjjnj wrote:Is anyone else having issues with the RSS reader?
I see the ''block'' with the title but there is no content.
Code: Select all
components = news [[news]] rssfeed =
thats a shame indeed.Snowtiger wrote:This NOS feeds is serviced by FeedBurner and therefore not available in this way - I tried and it worksjjnj wrote:Is anyone else having issues with the RSS reader?
I see the ''block'' with the title but there is no content.
Code: Select all
components = news [[news]] rssfeed =
hmm i didn't always liked Murphy's lawEdKo66 wrote:Earlier today I wrote that I've got things working, but... guess Murphy's law decided to kick in.
Had made a change into domo.conf, but since that didn't work, removed it and put the old config file back.Code: Select all
root@DiskStation:/var/packages/domoboard# python -c domo.conf Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 149, in <module> unsanitizedConfig = configobj.ConfigObj(configfile) File "build/bdist.linux-armv5tel/egg/", line 1229, in __init__ File "build/bdist.linux-armv5tel/egg/", line 1318, in _load configobj.NestingError: Cannot compute the section depth at line 76. root@DiskStation:/var/packages/domoboard#
(Edit) - Just to try something, I made a new test.conf file and when starting that, it all worked again. Retrying my 'old' domo.conf and it failed again with the above error.
haha that sure is.EdKo66 wrote:I guess so. But.. I copied it one on one to the new file and it worked. Computers are sometimes stupid thigns
Indeed, thank you!Snowtiger wrote:This NOS feeds is serviced by FeedBurner and therefore not available in this way - I tried and it worksjjnj wrote:Is anyone else having issues with the RSS reader?
I see the ''block'' with the title but there is no content.
Code: Select all
components = news [[news]] rssfeed =
Code: Select all
Room Illumination = 8, day, lux
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