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Alecto WS3500 wind sensor

Posted: Thursday 22 December 2016 13:05
by mrccore
I have domoticz v3.6224 and rflink fw version 45.9 that i use to receive the signal / data from my weather station.
At this moment i can receive the data from the rain sensor, temperature and humidity from outside and wind speed / direction.

My problem at this moment is that on domoticz when i put the wind sensor has favorite to show on the dashboard i'm getting a temperature card with the same name as my wind sensor card but this temperature is always 0º
And on my wind speed info i have the info off the temperature saying also 0º

How can i fix this and get the real temperature and not 0º ????
wind temp.png
wind temp.png (57.89 KiB) Viewed 2823 times

Re: Alecto WS3500 wind sensor

Posted: Thursday 22 December 2016 13:19
by stlaha2007
the uploaded image is broken, so can't see what you mean.
However the ws3500 is a small brother of the ws4500 which i own.
The headunit consists of a temp-hum sensor and windmeter.
I use it with the rfxtrx433e and have no problems like you describe.
The unit sends a stream of data which contains the temp-hum and windsensor data. Which are seen as two devices temp-hum with real (outside)temp-humidity and wind speed/gust/direction.

Depending on the code for rfxtrx or rflink it pushes the data into domoticz that way.

For the rfxtrx there's a windows debug tool which shows the raw data it receives. Is there not a tool for your receiver, so you can see what's being received?

Maybe it can help you debug the problem. To see if you receive all values.

Re: Alecto WS3500 wind sensor

Posted: Monday 26 December 2016 12:57
by mrccore
Yes the rflink as a debug window on windows and i don't see any problem in the debug window.
This card showing 0º only shows over domoticz dashboard Like other users on the forum says they get child 0º...

I'm having other strange problem now.... and this one bothers me more.
The wind directions on domoticz don't show wind on "south" e never get data on this side.
I have the wind direction calibrated to North and i do get the south value over the LCD station.

Now i don't understand why this two problems happen.

Re: Alecto WS3500 wind sensor

Posted: Tuesday 27 December 2016 20:35
by stlaha2007
Very strange. However i'm on stablr v3.5877, i assume your on a newer beta... as you wrote v3.6xxx.

Perhaps revert back to stable or install it aside? So to see if its a bug introduced in a newer beta?
If so you can post a bugreport in the bug-section.

As stated earlier, i have the 4500 and stable version, for which i can tell that's working properly.

Re: Alecto WS3500 wind sensor

Posted: Saturday 08 April 2017 10:08
by dirkiededeur
I have installed a brand new alecto WS3500 v2 in combination with domoticz on a synology nas. In combination with a RFXCOM - RFXtrx433 USB 433.92MHz Transceiver Version: Ext2/1016 . Strangly enough the only thing i receive is the rainfall information in domoticz. I'm receiving nothing else, no temperature, winddirection or windspeed... I have been checking some things in the domoticz log, but i can only see the rainfall info and and my zwave devices. The weather station main station is working like it should. So the information is tranmitted, but my RFXCOM doesn't seem to read it. Is there a way we can see all info from the rfxcom? Anyone some advice or usefull info on this issue?

Re: Alecto WS3500 wind sensor

Posted: Saturday 08 April 2017 11:20
by b_weijenberg
Check with RFXmngr with only Rubicson/Alecto/Banggood enabled.
See also chapter 2.4 in the RFXtrx User Guide: Lighting4 enabled will reduce or eliminate receiving Alecto.