Error:1wire: Device not yet supported... Topic is solved

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Error:1wire: Device not yet supported...

Post by domer »


I've been running domoticz with 1wire for a quite while now but recently stumbled upon this error:
"Error: 1Wire: Device not yet supported in Kernel mode (Please report!) ID:not found., family: 00"

Any ideas what has happened? I havent done anything with the system that could have caused this so is this software issue or something with my 1wire devices?

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Error:1wire: Device not yet supported...

Post by antwan »

Is There info in the Field?
OWFS Path:

Do you use 1 wire via raspberrypi?
Rasp Pi 2B: 3x DS18S20 (1-wire), BME280 (i2c)
Cubietruck 1: Aeotec Z-Wave+, RFXtrx433XL+P1, RFXtrx868, TE923 display, SolarEdge API
Cubietruck 2: Aeotec Z-Wave, Voltcraft CO-20
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Re: Error:1wire: Device not yet supported...

Post by domer »

Yes forgot to mention that I'm using raspberry pi 3. I haven't yet examined this very thoroughly but I noticed that none of the devices were found in the /sys/bus/w1/devices. What do you mean with OWFS paths? Something found in config files or?
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Re: Error:1wire: Device not yet supported...

Post by antwan »

In hardware settings
Rasp Pi 2B: 3x DS18S20 (1-wire), BME280 (i2c)
Cubietruck 1: Aeotec Z-Wave+, RFXtrx433XL+P1, RFXtrx868, TE923 display, SolarEdge API
Cubietruck 2: Aeotec Z-Wave, Voltcraft CO-20
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Re: Error:1wire: Device not yet supported...

Post by domer »


managed to find the source of my problem and it was faulty? pull up resistor. Replaced it with a new one and bus started working again \o/. OWFS path was empty but after resistor change it changed to /mnt/1wire.

Thanks for help!
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