Please update announcements!

Use this forum to discuss possible implementation of a new feature before opening a ticket.
A developer shall edit the topic title with "[xxx]" where xxx is the id of the accompanying tracker id.
Duplicate posts about the same id. +1 posts are not allowed.

Moderators: leecollings, remb0

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Joined: Sunday 07 August 2016 22:49
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
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Location: Sweden

Please update announcements!

Post by GoranLundberg »

The following posts in the annoucements section are very inaccurate. Seems like they have not been updated since Sourceforge.
Tracker doesn't exist any more and a lot of other information seems inaccurate. If you should follow the rules in those posts you wouldn't be allowed to post anything anymore. Very confusing for new users.

Please update :)
Server: Raspberry Pi1 B+ Hardware: RFXCOM - RFXtrx433 USB Transciever Domoticz: Beta Channel Keybase:
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