Garden lights control with existing remote

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Garden lights control with existing remote

Post by joske522 »

Hi guys,

I just installed my garden lights with a DiO switch (this one ... 47556.html)

But I can't seem to get it working with Domoticz. Probably doing something wrong... The swith has been paired with a 433mhz remote from a few on/off plugs I had somewhere. In Domoticz I go to switches, press learn, and press the corresponding remote button. The device adds but when I press the "lamp" icon the lamps outside do not turn on... Is there a way to create a switch so that Domoticz sends out the cloned code from the remote?

Or do I need to pair the DiO switch outside by sending a signal with Domoticz? (I tried to find where to send a signal but couldn't find it...)

Sorry for the question but it has ben a long time since I had to add a new switch to domoticz because it's so stable that it just keeps running without failure :D

Thanks guys!
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Re: Garden lights control with existing remote

Post by gizmocuz »

I would go for the last option
add a manual light (from the lights/switches tab), choose AC, make a number, pressing the 'TEST' button will send a signal to your DIO
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Re: Garden lights control with existing remote

Post by joske522 »

Alright! That was what I was searching for! Forgot to choose AC... Thanks Gizmocuz!
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