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Lua & commandArray['OpenURL']

Posted: Tuesday 07 June 2016 17:00
by riro
Since 10th of May I cant use OpenURL from a Lua-script.

I'm running on a Synology DS-415+ with version 3.5228 right now.

I really need to use this since OpenURL triggers (via a simple webservice) on/off on multiple devices connected to another machine...

Anyone who knows what the issue might be?
(can't see any error in the log)

Re: Lua & commandArray['OpenURL']

Posted: Tuesday 07 June 2016 21:15
by simonrg
The most likely explanation is that something is wrong with your code, so if you post it then somebody might spot the problem.

Re: Lua & commandArray['OpenURL']

Posted: Tuesday 07 June 2016 21:31
by riro
Well probably not... since the code worked just fine before.

Did a test with a small piece of code with more or less a OpenURL only, and that didn't connect to the recieving webserver.

Re: Lua & commandArray['OpenURL']

Posted: Wednesday 08 June 2016 8:09
by Keptenkurk
Could it be the synology? Had a networking issue with my 109 last month. The routing process had failed causing weird connectivity problems. A reboot of the Synology fixed it.

Re: Lua & commandArray['OpenURL']

Posted: Wednesday 08 June 2016 8:26
by riro
I think it's a combo of DSM6 and Domoticz...

With DSM6 a lot of security where added, might be that Domoticz is using something thats restricted...