I'm trying to send an http call from domoticz to node-red using data push http. I already got the other direction (node-red to domoticz) working.
The switch is virtual, I have these settings in data push HTTP screen :
General Settings
- URL : http://localhost:1880/switch
- Method : POST
- Data : {"%D","%v",%V,%n,%h}
- Target Type: Virtual Device
- Device Name : the virtual switch
- Value to send : Status
- Target Device id : 15
- Target property : switchcmd
I always receive "{ "{\"15_0\":\"Not supported yet\",,Licht living eettafel,Domoticz}": "" }" in node-red, regardless of the new status of the switch.
I assume the problem is in the Target Property field.
Can anyone help me find the correct value to put in the Target Property ?
Help request sending http request from switch
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