Login database

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Login database

Post by mdo82 »

There are some topics on summertime in Europe where Domoticz seems to have some problems with it.

Now I wanted change the date of the values that are adjusting wrong, but I can not login using SQL on my domoticz database.

The problem is that I not have the password.

I have placed phpliteadmin.php on my raspberry in the www folder, but when I open the page it asks for a password, which I do not.
How can i find the password ?

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Re: Login database

Post by PsychoMark »

The Domoticz database does not have a password as far as I know, but phpLiteAdmin does. According to the wiki:
Modify the $password variable to be the password used for gaining access to the phpLiteAdmin tool.
Hope that helps!
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Re: Login database

Post by mdo82 »

PsychoMark wrote:The Domoticz database does not have a password as far as I know, but phpLiteAdmin does. According to the wiki:
Modify the $password variable to be the password used for gaining access to the phpLiteAdmin tool.
Hope that helps!
Thank you :D

EDIT: Ok we are a step further :P
But the problem what we now have is that the database is empty :?

The following information i see

Database name: domoticz.db
Path to database: /home/pi/domoticz/domoticz.db
Size of database: 239 KB
Database last modified: 8:06pm on March 28, 2016 (CEST)
SQLite version: 3.7.13
SQLite extension [?]: PDO
PHP version: 5.4.45-0+deb7u2
phpLiteAdmin version: 1.9.6


No table in database.

The database is filled because I see the data come back in my domoticz page.
Should I somehow still have to make a change somewhere ?

I had to make phpLiteAdmin php5-sqlite install use of the wiki.
Perhaps the newer version of php5-sqlite has a different setting
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Re: Login database

Post by tazitiz »

i had to do:
1 copy the sqlite php files
2 configure the directories and passwords
3 install php/sqllite:
sudo apt-get install php5-sqlite
4 make the directory of the database writable for the apache account (security problem)
5 make the database file writable for the apache account
and working.
(took me about 3 hours to find out)

hope it helps!

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Re: Login database

Post by Aziona »

tazitiz wrote: Tuesday 18 October 2016 13:50 i had to do:
1 copy the sqlite php files
2 configure the directories and passwords
3 install php/sqllite:
sudo apt-get install php5-sqlite
4 make the directory of the database writable for the apache account (security problem)
5 make the database file writable for the apache account
and working.
(took me about 3 hours to find out)

hope it helps!

Hi, I have the same problem but I do not completely understand what you mean. I can also open the db with sqliteadmin but see no tables. I see lot's of domoticz backup db's but not tables.
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