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Alecto WS4500 stops when below 0,0 degrees

Posted: Thursday 21 January 2016 23:36
by svdstra

It took me a while to find out but i guess the following occurs: When the temperature reading gets below 0,0 deg C the RFXtrx433E stops receiving the readout values.
The Alecto display unit continues below zero degrees so the sensor is transmitting. The wind readouts continue to be received.
It seems that the "-" sign messes up the logic of the readout.

Can you help me with this?

Re: Alecto WS4500 stops when below 0,0 degrees

Posted: Friday 22 January 2016 10:24
by gizmocuz
Did you try with the RFXCom RFXMngr application ?

Re: Alecto WS4500 stops when below 0,0 degrees

Posted: Friday 22 January 2016 11:17
by b_weijenberg
please contact support for a beta version 251 which solves negative temp problem

Re: Alecto WS4500 stops when below 0,0 degrees

Posted: Friday 22 January 2016 15:21
by svdstra
Thanks. I will give both responses a try. I will keep you informed.