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Re: Is it gonna rain within the next X minutes?

Posted: Wednesday 31 August 2016 9:09
by Egregius
The location of the tmp file is set in this line:
local tempfilename = "/home/pi/domoticz/scripts/tmp/rain.tmp"
change that to a tempfs folder.
Within cron you can trigger a script at restart:

Code: Select all

sudo crontab -e

Code: Select all

@reboot /home/pi/
Example of /home/pi/

Code: Select all

sudo chmod 777 /var/log
sudo mkdir /var/log/nginx
sudo chmod 777 /var/log/nginx
sudo service nginx start
echo 0 | sudo tee /sys/class/leds/led0/brightness
echo 0 | sudo tee /sys/class/leds/led1/brightness
sleep 2
sudo cp /run/pikrellcam/mjpeg.jpg /temp/snapshot.jpg
sudo chmod 666 /temp/snapshot.jpg
curl -s --data-urlencode "text=PiCam1 Voordeur started" --data "silent=true"
With a script like this you can create the tmp file/folders as needed and set the permissions/ownership.

Re: Is it gonna rain within the next X minutes?

Posted: Wednesday 31 August 2016 10:56
by renerene
Sorry, it is not a rights issue.
I've tried your suggestion. And even went back to my original situation, wtithout tmpfs ramdrive.
Lua cannot create the tmp file; it just is not there.
Did a total re-install on the Pi a few days ago, maybe that has something to do with it. IsItGonnaRain worked before.

this is the faulty line:
read = os.execute('curl -s -o '..tempfilename..' "'..url..'"')

Hmmm, again "os.execute". Maybe domoticz cannot execute? Could be the reason for another issue

Re: Is it gonna rain within the next X minutes?

Posted: Wednesday 31 August 2016 11:10
by Egregius
Is the folder where the file must come created? Does the user wich runs domoticz has write rights to it?
What happens if you run the os.execute command in shell?

Re: Is it gonna rain within the next X minutes?

Posted: Wednesday 31 August 2016 20:54
by TakeAway
marmachine wrote:Updated the script
There appears to be a redirect (in the request url) causing the script to fail!

my current (working) version:

Code: Select all

-- =============================================================================================================
-- IsItGonnaRain( int minutesinfuture)
-- returns: int avarage rainfall for the next minutesinfuture
-- =============================================================================================================
-- Function to get rain prediction from (dutch)
-- Original script here:
-- Written in LUA by Hans van der Heijden (h4nsie @
-- Spring 2015
-- 28-03-2015 v0.3 bug: quotes around url added.
-- 27-03-2015 v0.2 return value is now average for next time
-- 26-03-2015 v0.1 Initial release
-- todo: some error checking on http and file handling (tmp file)
-- Marco van Wijngaarden
-- 30-08-2016 v1.0 Adopted and updated the above scripts
-- 30-08-2016 v1.1 Updated the request URL, apparently buienrader is redirecting to different url
-- 30-08-2016 v1.2 Updated CURL to follow redirect and reverted (back to documented) request URL
-- --
-- Gratis Weerdata --
-- Buienradar stelt gratis weerdata beschikbaar voor particulieren en bedrijven (website/intranet). 
-- Het gebruik van onderstaande weerdata is alleen toegestaan voor niet-commerciële doeleinden. 
-- Het gebruik voor mobiele toepassingen of commerciële doeleinden vereist toestemming van Buienradar, zie ook de Disclaimer.
-- Vraag hier toestemming aan voor het gebruik van de weerdata: 
-- Vragen, suggesties of een leuk idee? Neem contact met ons op en bouw mee aan Buienradar!
-- Buienradar widget - Neerslagdata op basis van coördinaten
-- Op basis van de door u gewenste coördinaten (latitude en longitude) kunt u de neerslag tot twee uur vooruit ophalen in tekstvorm. 
-- De data wordt iedere 5 minuten geüpdatet. 
-- Op deze pagina kunt u de neerslag in tekst vinden:
-- De waarde 0 geeft geen neerslag aan (droog), de waarde 255 geeft zware neerslag aan. 
-- Gebruik de volgende formule voor het omrekenen naar de neerslagintensiteit in de eenheid millimeter per uur (mm/u):
-- Neerslagintensiteit = 10^((waarde-109)/32)
-- Ter controle: een waarde van 77 is gelijk aan een neerslagintensiteit van 0,1 mm/u.
-- =============================================================================================================
-- config ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- =============================================================================================================
-- Set your local position (latitude and longitude)
local latitude                  = uservariables['latitude']         -- your home latitude, set as a user variable
local longitude                 = uservariables['longitude']        -- your home longtitude, set as a user variable
-- timewindow for prediction
local minutesinfuture           = 15                                -- (int) minutes in future to calculate rain
-- threshold for switch (when do we actually call it rain and want to act accordingly)
local switchthreshold           = 70                                -- (int) value to toggle virtual switch
-- Rain switch (ON when rain above threshold, else OFF)
local rainswitchname            = "Regen verwacht"                  -- (str) name for switch to toggle
-- Virtual device (txt) displays textual result
local idxRegenmmUur             = 113                               -- IDX for virtual (text) sensor
-- Show results in log
local debug                     = 1                                 -- 1 = ON or 0 = OFF
-- NMA notifications (only during the day)
local notify                    = false                             -- (bool) set 'false' or 'true'
-- URL for data rewquest
local requesturl                = "" 
-- redirects to ""
-- Where do we store the data (tmp) file
local tempfilename              = "/home/pi/domoticz/scripts/tmp/rain.tmp"
-- default to activate script (set 'false' to run once every 5 minutes or 'true' to run every minute)
local active                    = false                             -- (bool) set 'false' or 'true'
-- =============================================================================================================
-- No edit required below this line
-- =============================================================================================================
-- execute (activate) every 5 minutes
local time ="*t")
if ((time.min % 5)==0) then
    -- set to active
    active = true
-- =============================================================================================================
-- Functions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- =============================================================================================================

-- function to split a string --
function splitString(str, delim, maxNb)
    -- Eliminate bad cases...
    if string.find(str, delim) == nil then
        return { str }

    if maxNb == nil or maxNb < 1 then
        maxNb = 0    -- No limit

    local result = {}
    local pat = "(.-)" .. delim .. "()"
    local nb = 0
    local lastPos
    for part, pos in string.gmatch(str, pat) do
        nb = nb + 1
        result[nb] = part
        lastPos = pos
        if nb == maxNb then break end
    -- Handle the last field
    if nb ~= maxNb then
        result[nb + 1] = string.sub(str, lastPos)

    return result

-- function to request rain data 
function IsItGonnaRain(requesturl,latitude,longitude,tempfilename,minutesinfuture,debug)

    local averagerain = 0
    local totalrain = 0
    local rainlines = 0
    -- construct the request URL
    local url = requesturl..'?lat='..latitude..'&lon='..longitude
    -- print to log
    if (debug == 1) then print("| Request URL .............. : " .. url) end

    -- now get the data
    local trigger_action = 'curl -Lo '..tempfilename..' "'..url..'"' 
    -- CURL options:    -s for Silent (no error messages)
    --                  -o for Write output to file instead of stdout.
    --                  -L Follow redirects if the server reports that the requested page has moved (indicated with a Location: header and a 3XX response code)
    handle = os.execute(trigger_action)

    -- print request result to log
    if (debug == 1) then
        if handle then
            print("| CURL Data request ........ : Success")
            print("! CURL Data request ........ : Failed")

    -- open file and process data
    file =, "r")

        -- count datalines
        local linenbr = 0
        -- now analyse the received lines
        while true do
            line = file:read("*line")
            if not line then break end
            -- count received lines
            linenbr = linenbr+1
            -- line/data format is like 000|15:30 per line, we need to split the string
            raindata    = splitString(line,"|")
            rain        = tonumber(raindata[1])
            linetime    = raindata[2]

            -- Linetime2 holds the full date calculated from the time on each line
            linetime2   = os.time{'%Y'),'%m'),'%d'), hour=string.sub(linetime,1,2), min=string.sub(linetime,4,5),'%S')}
            -- calculate the time difference between data/line and os time
            difference  = os.difftime (linetime2,os.time())

            -- When a line entry has a time in the future AND is within the given range, then add/totalize the rainfall
            if ((difference >= 0) and (difference <= minutesinfuture*60)) then
                -- print (relevant) data to log
                if (debug == 1) then print("| Rain data (line) ......... : " .. line) end
                -- calculate totals
                totalrain = totalrain+rain
                rainlines = rainlines+1
    -- close the file
    -- Returned value is average rain fall for next (int) minutes
    -- 0 is no rain, 255 is very heavy rain
    -- When needed, mm/h is calculated by 10^((value -109)/32) (example: 77 = 0.1 mm/hour)
    averagerain = totalrain/rainlines
    -- print summary to log
    if (debug == 1) then 
        print("| Rain data received # lines : " .. linenbr)
        print("| In timerange # lines ..... : " .. rainlines)
        print("| Total rain ............... : " .. totalrain)
        print("| Average rain calculated .. : " .. averagerain)



-- Functions to round a number to the given number of decimal places
-- returns result as string (text)
function round(num, idp)
  return string.format("%." .. (idp or 0) .. "f", num)
-- returns result as a number
function round2number(num, idp)
  return tonumber(string.format("%." .. (idp or 0) .. "f", num))

-- Note: If the number is rounded in order to be printed (as text) use function "round" (removed the tonumber function)
-- Converting to number then back to string would reintroduce rounding errors, so for numbers use "round2number" function

-- =============================================================================================================
-- Process -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- =============================================================================================================

commandArray = {}
-- start numbering at 1

-- executes when active (every 5 minutes)
if (active) then

    -- when debugging set to 1, writing to log starts here
    if (debug == 1) then
        print("| =============== IS IT GONNA RAIN =============== |")

    -- rain variables
    local regen = 0
    local regenmmUur = 0
    local rainstr = ""

    -- execute function (for given future minutes)
    regen = IsItGonnaRain(requesturl,latitude,longitude,tempfilename,minutesinfuture,debug)
    -- round result
    if (regen > 0) then
        regen = round2number(regen, 0)

    -- convert rain to mm/uur
    if (regen > 0) then
        regenmmUur = 10^((regen-109)/32)
        regenmmUur = round(regenmmUur, 3)

    -- textual result
    if (regen > 0) then
        rainstr = tostring("Regen verwacht: "..regen.." (".. regenmmUur.." mm/uur) binnen "..minutesinfuture.." minuten")
        rainstr = tostring("Geen regen verwacht binnen komende "..minutesinfuture.." minuten")

    -- write value to virtual (text) sensor
    if ((idxRegenmmUur) and (regenmmUur)) then
        commandArray[indexArray] = {['UpdateDevice'] = tostring(idxRegenmmUur)..'|0|'..rainstr}

    -- when debugging set to 1, write to log
    if (debug == 1) then 
        print("| Rain text ................ : " .. rainstr)

    -- toggle switch ON
    if regen > switchthreshold and otherdevices[rainswitchname]=='Off' then
        -- send notification during the day
        if (timeofday['Daytime']) and (notify) then
            commandArray[indexArray] = {['SendNotification']=rainstr}
        -- change switch to ON
        commandArray[indexArray] = {[rainswitchname]='On'}

    -- toggle switch OFF
    if regen == 0 and otherdevices[rainswitchname] =='On' then
        -- send notification during the day
        if (timeofday['Daytime']) and (notify) then
            commandArray[indexArray] = {['SendNotification']=rainstr}
        -- change switch to OFF
        commandArray[indexArray] = {[rainswitchname]='Off'}

    -- logging end
    if (debug == 1) then
        print("| --------------------- END ---------------------- |")


return commandArray
Hi, I tried your script, but get the following error:
2016-08-31 20:50:00.023 LUA: +--------------------------------------------------+
2016-08-31 20:50:00.023 LUA: | =============== IS IT GONNA RAIN =============== |
2016-08-31 20:50:00.023 LUA: +--------------------------------------------------+
2016-08-31 20:50:00.023 LUA: | Request URL .............. : ... lon=4.3961
2016-08-31 20:50:00.160 LUA: ! CURL Data request ........ : Failed
2016-08-31 20:50:00.160 Error: EventSystem: in /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/lua/script_time_rain.lua: /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/lua/script_time_rain.lua:153: attempt to index global 'file' (a nil value)

What can be the problem here?

Re: Is it gonna rain within the next X minutes?

Posted: Wednesday 31 August 2016 21:05
by renerene
Egregius wrote:Is the folder where the file must come created?
Does the user wich runs domoticz has write rights to it?
I do not know. Just learning Linux, coming from Windows.
What happens if you run the os.execute command in shell?

Code: Select all

 curl -s -o /var/tmp/luaBuienradar.tmp ""
sudo curl -s -o /var/tmp/luaBuienradar.tmp ""
Both: no effect

Re: Is it gonna rain within the next X minutes?

Posted: Wednesday 31 August 2016 22:23
by marmachine
TakeAway wrote:
marmachine wrote:
Hi, I tried your script, but get the following error:
2016-08-31 20:50:00.023 LUA: +--------------------------------------------------+
2016-08-31 20:50:00.023 LUA: | =============== IS IT GONNA RAIN =============== |
2016-08-31 20:50:00.023 LUA: +--------------------------------------------------+
2016-08-31 20:50:00.023 LUA: | Request URL .............. : ... lon=4.3961
2016-08-31 20:50:00.160 LUA: ! CURL Data request ........ : Failed
2016-08-31 20:50:00.160 Error: EventSystem: in /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/lua/script_time_rain.lua: /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/lua/script_time_rain.lua:153: attempt to index global 'file' (a nil value)

What can be the problem here?
The error say's that your CURL request was unsuccessfull.
So lets check your CURL request;

in the script (locate the below lines in the function) you could add a line to print the request in case of error;

Code: Select all

-- print request result to log
    if (debug == 1) then
        if handle then
            print("| CURL Data request ........ : Success")
            print("! CURL Data request ........ : Failed")
            -- >>> add a the below line to print your CURL request = the trigger_action variable
            print("! CURL request .............. : "..trigger_action)

Re: Is it gonna rain within the next X minutes?

Posted: Wednesday 31 August 2016 22:30
by marmachine
renerene wrote:Sorry, it is not a rights issue.
I've tried your suggestion. And even went back to my original situation, wtithout tmpfs ramdrive.
Lua cannot create the tmp file; it just is not there.
Did a total re-install on the Pi a few days ago, maybe that has something to do with it. IsItGonnaRain worked before.

this is the faulty line:
read = os.execute('curl -s -o '..tempfilename..' "'..url..'"')

Hmmm, again "os.execute". Maybe domoticz cannot execute? Could be the reason for another issue
Where did you get the 'read' line?
I think you are using the previous (original version) of the script.
Please have a look at my latest (updated) version for the right CURL! (posted yesterday actually; Tuesday 30 August 2016 18:23) ;)

Re: Is it gonna rain within the next X minutes?

Posted: Wednesday 31 August 2016 22:37
by TakeAway
marmachine wrote:
TakeAway wrote:
marmachine wrote:
Hi, I tried your script, but get the following error:
2016-08-31 20:50:00.023 LUA: +--------------------------------------------------+
2016-08-31 20:50:00.023 LUA: | =============== IS IT GONNA RAIN =============== |
2016-08-31 20:50:00.023 LUA: +--------------------------------------------------+
2016-08-31 20:50:00.023 LUA: | Request URL .............. : ... lon=4.3961
2016-08-31 20:50:00.160 LUA: ! CURL Data request ........ : Failed
2016-08-31 20:50:00.160 Error: EventSystem: in /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/lua/script_time_rain.lua: /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/lua/script_time_rain.lua:153: attempt to index global 'file' (a nil value)

What can be the problem here?
The error say's that your CURL request was unsuccessfull.
So lets check your CURL request;

in the script (locate the below lines in the function) you could add a line to print the request in case of error;

Code: Select all

-- print request result to log
    if (debug == 1) then
        if handle then
            print("| CURL Data request ........ : Success")
            print("! CURL Data request ........ : Failed")
            -- >>> add a the below line to print your CURL request = the trigger_action variable
            print("! CURL request .............. : "..trigger_action)
The following is returned:
2016-08-31 22:35:00.038 LUA: +--------------------------------------------------+
2016-08-31 22:35:00.038 LUA: | =============== IS IT GONNA RAIN =============== |
2016-08-31 22:35:00.038 LUA: +--------------------------------------------------+
2016-08-31 22:35:00.039 LUA: | Request URL .............. : ... lon=4.3961
2016-08-31 22:35:00.172 LUA: ! CURL Data request ........ : Failed
2016-08-31 22:35:00.172 LUA: ! CURL request .............. : curl -Lo /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/tmp/rain.tmp " ... lon=4.3961"
2016-08-31 22:35:00.172 Error: EventSystem: in /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/lua/script_time_rain.lua: /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/lua/script_time_rain.lua:154: attempt to index global 'file' (a nil value)

Re: Is it gonna rain within the next X minutes?

Posted: Thursday 01 September 2016 0:12
by marmachine
ahh okay, that looks familiar... your CURL looks pretty good actually
To see what you are receiving, you could copy and past the url ( ... lon=4.3961) into your browser
This is actually what is being writen to the tempfile

The Error: line 154: attempt to index global 'file' (a nil value) is what's bothering you i think
I had the same issue, this could be a file permission issue or the folder does not exist or you don't have permission on the folder

Do you have PUTTY and are you familiar with that to access your Pi?
Can you navigate to the folder: cd /home/pi/domoticz/scripts
Check if you see "tmp" folder here: ls
Navigate into the tmp folder: cd /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/tmp
Check if you see "rain.tmp" file here: ls

Now try to set rights to this file: chmod 777 rain.tmp

To see the content of the file, you can also open it with your text editor (nano); nano rain.tmp
If you're good, you will see the same text as you saw when you opened the url in your browser

Re: Is it gonna rain within the next X minutes?

Posted: Thursday 01 September 2016 9:09
by TakeAway
I think that is the problem, will check this evening and report back.
I'm a beginner with domoticz and programming, but i use putty so i will try.
I'll let know!
Many thx in advance!

Re: Is it gonna rain within the next X minutes?

Posted: Thursday 01 September 2016 18:37
by renerene
TakeAway, i'm experiencing the same problem '34: attempt to index global 'file' (a nil value)'

1) the rain.tmp is not created.
2) directory for rain.tmp existst and rights are set:

Code: Select all

sudo chmod 666 /var/tmp

3) url output in browser is correct, ... =5.8769151
4) result of command without -s option: curl -o /var/tmp/luaBuienradar.tmp " ... =5.8769151"
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0

Re: Is it gonna rain within the next X minutes?

Posted: Thursday 01 September 2016 18:56
by TakeAway
I think the problem here is that you use the wrong tmp folder.
Make a tmp folder in the scripts file of domoticz, that did the job for me.
I'm totally new to this, so this is a guess.
Edit, i used marmachine's script and then the above adjustment.

Re: Is it gonna rain within the next X minutes?

Posted: Thursday 01 September 2016 19:20
by jvdz
What happens when you simple run the LUA script from the command prompt?
I am running a script with the listed command with the scheduler and have no issues, as I prefer not to use the event system to run scripts like this for the simple reason that it could slow down other events.


Re: Is it gonna rain within the next X minutes?

Posted: Thursday 01 September 2016 19:36
by renerene
jvdz wrote:What happens when you simple run the LUA script from the command prompt?
can you tell me more?
Do I need to make a seperate lua text file? Or do the Domoticz events already exist somewhere as seperate files? Which command to use to start the lua file from the command prompt?
I am running a script with the listed command with the scheduler and have no issues, as I prefer not to use the event system to run scripts like this for the simple reason that it could slow down other events.
do you use crontab for that?

Re: Is it gonna rain within the next X minutes?

Posted: Thursday 01 September 2016 19:40
by renerene
TakeAway wrote:I think the problem here is that you use the wrong tmp folder.
No, don't think so. The script has worked before. The old rain.tmp is still there in /var/tmp, so i'm sure I am looking at the right folder.

Re: Is it gonna rain within the next X minutes?

Posted: Thursday 01 September 2016 19:54
by TakeAway
renerene wrote:
TakeAway wrote:I think the problem here is that you use the wrong tmp folder.
No, don't think so. The script has worked before. The old rain.tmp is still there in /var/tmp, so i'm sure I am looking at the right folder.
Okay, i just started out with marmachine's code, and adjusted it like he said.

Re: Is it gonna rain within the next X minutes?

Posted: Thursday 01 September 2016 20:21
by jvdz
renerene wrote:
jvdz wrote:What happens when you simple run the LUA script from the command prompt?
can you tell me more?
Do I need to make a seperate lua text file? Or do the Domoticz events already exist somewhere as seperate files? Which command to use to start the lua file from the command prompt?
Correct, just copy the code into a xyz.lua file and run it like: lua xyz.lua
renerene wrote: Interesting!
do you use crontab for that?
Correct, just added this line to crontab -e:

Code: Select all

*/5 * * * * sudo lua /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/buienradar_rainprediction.lua >> /var/tmp/BRP.log
This will run it every 5 minutes and dump the logging into BRP.log.


Re: Is it gonna rain within the next X minutes?

Posted: Thursday 01 September 2016 20:30
by TakeAway
marmachine wrote:ahh okay, that looks familiar... your CURL looks pretty good actually
To see what you are receiving, you could copy and past the url ( ... lon=4.3961) into your browser
This is actually what is being writen to the tempfile

The Error: line 154: attempt to index global 'file' (a nil value) is what's bothering you i think
I had the same issue, this could be a file permission issue or the folder does not exist or you don't have permission on the folder

Do you have PUTTY and are you familiar with that to access your Pi?
Can you navigate to the folder: cd /home/pi/domoticz/scripts
Check if you see "tmp" folder here: ls
Navigate into the tmp folder: cd /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/tmp
Check if you see "rain.tmp" file here: ls

Now try to set rights to this file: chmod 777 rain.tmp

To see the content of the file, you can also open it with your text editor (nano); nano rain.tmp
If you're good, you will see the same text as you saw when you opened the url in your browser
This worked for me!!! Thx a lot!! Tried to post earlier but somehow my post didn't come thru.

Re: Is it gonna rain within the next X minutes?

Posted: Thursday 01 September 2016 23:24
by marmachine
renerene wrote:TakeAway, i'm experiencing the same problem '34: attempt to index global 'file' (a nil value)'

1) the rain.tmp is not created.
2) directory for rain.tmp existst and rights are set:

Code: Select all

sudo chmod 666 /var/tmp

3) url output in browser is correct, ... =5.8769151
4) result of command without -s option: curl -o /var/tmp/luaBuienradar.tmp " ... =5.8769151"
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
I think that the problem is that you are NOT using the CURL from my script ;)

In other words, compare the below and look for the difference, other than the location of the temp file (that can go anywhere as long as you take care of the rights and folders):
curl -Lo /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/tmp/rain.tmp " ... lon=4.3961"
curl -o /var/tmp/luaBuienradar.tmp " ... =5.8769151"

So again, have a look at that and it'll work i guess

Re: Is it gonna rain within the next X minutes?

Posted: Friday 02 September 2016 7:32
by renerene
marmachine wrote:I think that the problem is that you are NOT using the CURL from my script ;)
Yes, you are right. The 'Lo' option in the Curl command did the trick. Everything working now, thank you!

I still can not see the rain.tmp file in the file system. And now I understand why: because it is placed on a ramdrive and my MobaXterm shows the SC-card content :)
[edit]: not sure about this last one; rain.tmp is now showing in MobaXterm with ramdrive. Maybe becase of re-connction or my mistake (looking in the wrong folder)