Hi Jorgh,
I have your plugin installed and connected to my ONKYO TX-NR626.
After connecting to the plugin, the devices are created and i can control my onkyo, i get feedback so everything works.
after a day the tuner/plugin seems disconnected and i get the following error's when trying to control the onkyo via domoticz
Code: Select all
Error: Plugin: Async Read Exception: 104, Connection reset by peer
Error: (Onkyo) Transport is not connected, write directive ignored.
Error: (Onkyo) Transport is not connected, write directive ignored.
Error: EventSystem: Could not determine switch type for event device Livingroom
Error: (Onkyo) 'onCommand' failed 'ValueError':'invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'Of''.
Error: (Onkyo) ----> Line 628 in /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Onkyo/plugin.py, function onCommand
Error: (Onkyo) ----> Line 160 in /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Onkyo/plugin.py, function onCommand
Error: (Onkyo) Transport is not connected, write directive ignored.
Error: (Onkyo) Transport is not connected, write directive ignored.
Error: (Onkyo) Transport is not connected, write directive ignored.
Error: (Onkyo) Transport is not connected, write directive ignored.
any idea what is wrong?
my Setup:
When i'm not home the power gets disconnected from my onkyo...
After restarting the domoticz service the plugin works again.
Code: Select all
(Onkyo) Receiver found:
(Onkyo) Type: AV Receiver or Stereo Receiver
(Onkyo) Type: TX-NR626
(Onkyo) Region: European or Asian model
Maybe the loss off power could be the reason...