EdKo66 wrote:SwordFish wrote:Sorry, its still a light bulb instead off a door.
Lightbulbs are the new door(s).
here my door contact stay light_bulb, and if open or close the door it maintain at "ON".
Code: Select all
AddjMulti: 1,
AddjMulti2: 1,
AddjValue: 0,
AddjValue2: 0,
BatteryLevel: 255,
CustomImage: 0,
Data: "Closed",
Description: "",
Favorite: 0,
HardwareID: 2,
HardwareName: "RFXCOM",
HardwareType: "RFXCOM - RFXtrx433 USB 433.92MHz Transceiver",
HardwareTypeVal: 1,
HaveDimmer: true,
HaveGroupCmd: true,
HaveTimeout: false,
ID: "0A9783A",
Image: "Light",
InternalState: "Closed",
IsSubDevice: false,
LastUpdate: "2017-04-09 13:21:32",
Level: 0,
LevelInt: 0,
MaxDimLevel: 15,
Name: "Janela Escritorio",
Notifications: "true",
PlanID: "3",
PlanIDs: [
Protected: true,
ShowNotifications: true,
SignalLevel: 7,
Status: "Closed",
StrParam1: "",
StrParam2: "",
SubType: "AC",
SwitchType: "Door Contact",
SwitchTypeVal: 11,
Timers: "false",
Type: "Lighting 2",
TypeImg: "door",
Unit: 10,
Used: 1,
UsedByCamera: false,
XOffset: "0",
YOffset: "0",
idx: "8"