deennoo wrote:
Press for long clik at 18:13:55
Release long click at 18:13:58
Domoticz beta 3.6478
As i got a script who run when selector : long click he run twice
I think code should be changed here: XiaomiGateway.cpp
because when switch pressed is receiving status "on" and when switch is released is receiving status "on" again.
in last beta 3.6478 i have several problems:
- log does not show messages from Xiaomi sensors, just Temperature or Humidity "nodeid: xxxxxxxxxx" messages.
- can not switch on/off ZigBee socket. In log i see "User: Admin initiated a switch command..... On"
- in Log there are no status messages, but in Web interface status of motion sensors and sockets are correct
in last beta 3.6478 i have several problems:
- log does not show messages from Xiaomi sensors, just Temperature or Humidity "nodeid: xxxxxxxxxx" messages.
- can not switch on/off ZigBee socket. In log i see "User: Admin initiated a switch command..... On"
- in Log there are no status messages, but in Web interface status of motion sensors and sockets are correct
Restart of Domoticz did not helped.
same problem with smart plug
for first question in XiaomiGateway.cpp look for showmessage=false change to true
woody4165 wrote:Now, with latest beta 3.6454, I don't see anymore the previous error.
I can see the HW page, but still no other fields in the Xiaomi Gtw.
As also nogo said, the beta prior 3.6441 was working fine, at least at me.
it works for me with another browser (Google Chrome -> Midori)
Thanks, I've identified the problem here too, will have a fix tomorrow
Hi, there is additional information for you, may be it help
seems domoticz does not send any command to gateway for turn on/off smart plug
@corbin, @deennoo found a problem for the ctrl_neutral1 - it wont be triggered as the message is hardcoded for ctrl_neural2 only..
im tryng to resolve that, however i cant figure out if there is a way, to store the "ctrl_neutral2" or "ctrl_neutral1" on the InsertUpdateSwitch function to the DB.
and get them either as query from DB or any other method when "WriteToHardware" is triggered.
Seems that when WriteToHardware is triggered from the UI, there is no correlating message from the gateway that i can parse and understand if its the single or Dual device..
the info i found there is mainly the ID, using it i can query DB i assume and get the stored info if ctrl1 or ctrl2 etc..
or there is a simpler way i haven't figure inside the WriteToHardware to correlate to the correct ctrl# device?
Hi guys,
I'm new to Domoticz, just finished compiling latest dev on rpi3. Got zwave and xiaomi hub working, zwave devices are working as expected. Xiaomi devices were automatically detected and I can see the correct statuts. For eg: if I press the switch, open the door or move right next to the motion detector, everything looks to work just fine.
The current problem that I have are: I'm not able to switch on/off and the color of the hub (but if I turn in on manually, domoticz will update the on/off state). Same happens with zigbee switch: state looks good but I'm not able to turn on/off from domoticz webpage. Any clue?
pikapt wrote:
The current problem that I have are: I'm not able to switch on/off and the color of the hub (but if I turn in on manually, domoticz will update the on/off state). Same happens with zigbee switch: state looks good but I'm not able to turn on/off from domoticz webpage. Any clue?
I made a mistake with the the power plug command which is now fixed, but the gateway light was still working for me - so there could be something else wrong still.
levynger wrote:@corbin, @deennoo found a problem for the ctrl_neutral1 - it wont be triggered as the message is hardcoded for ctrl_neural2 only..
Can you check my latest github update hasn't broken the new switch commands you added?
I'm not sure how best to solve the ctrl_neutral/1ctrl_neutral2 problem. I faced something similar with the gateway colour and brightness, where I didn't want to query the database each time for the values needed - ended up using local variables. This approach for the switches would need to store the switch type/name for each switch, and would need an array or similar.
So I'm back with good and bad news. Good news is that zigbee switch is working, bad news is that gateway switch still doesn't.
Any idea on how to make some debug over it? Is it working for everyone else?