Code: Select all
-- garbagecalendarconfig.lua
-- Specify your information here as needed for your needs
myGarbageDevice = 'Afval Kalender' -- The Text devicename in Domoticz
ShowNextEvents = 3 -- indicate the next x events to show in the TEXT Sensor in Domoticz
Zipcode = '5721GW' -- Your zipcode
Housenr = '74' -- Your housnr
Housenrsuf = 'a' -- Your housnr suffix (Optional: a/b/c etc)
Hostname = '' -- Specify the hostname of your website. Only needed for: m_opzet ; m_opzet_api ;
Street='' -- Street name Only needed for: m_ophaalkalender-be
-- choose one of these modules
--websitemodule = "m_deafvalapp"
--websitemodule = "m_goeree-overflakkee"
--websitemodule = "m_mijnafvalwijzer"
--websitemodule = "m_ophaalkalender-be"
--websitemodule = "m_opzet"
websitemodule = "m_opzet_api"
--websitemodule = "m_westland"
--websitemodule = "m_zuidlimburg"
-- Switch on mydebug in case of issues and initially and check the domoticz log for any issues or missing
mydebug = false -- (true/false)
testdataload = false -- (true/false)
-- Specify the appropriate directories (Raspberry Pi example)
datafilepath = '/var/tmp' -- specify the directory where the & garbagecalendar.log will be stored
scriptpath = '/home/pi/domoticz/scripts/lua' -- specify the directory for the main "script_time_garbagecalendar.lua" script
domoticzjsonpath = '/home/pi/domoticz/scripts/lua' -- specify the path to domoticz where the JSON.lua file can be found
-- Specify the appropriate directories (Windows example)
--datafilepath = 'D:/temp' -- specify the directory where the & garbagecalendar.log will be stored
--scriptpath = 'D:/_domoticz/scripts/lua' -- specify the directory for this script
--domoticzjsonpath = 'D:/_domoticz/scripts/lua' -- specify the path to domoticz where the JSON.lua file can be found
-- ### define format for text device
-- date options:
-- wd = weekday in 3 characters as defined in the daysoftheweek table below. eg Zon;Maa;Din
-- dd = day in 2 digits eg 31
-- mm = month in 2 digits eg 01
-- mmm = month abbreviation in 3 characters as defined in the ShortMonth table below. eg : jan
-- mmmm = month as defined in the LongMonth table below. eg: januari
-- yy = year in 2 digits eg 19
-- yyyy = year in 4 digits eg 2019
-- Garbage type description options
-- sdesc = short garbage type description from Website eg pmd
-- ldesc = long garbage type description from Website when available, will be replaced by table description when not
-- tdesc = Use the description available in the table text field
textformat = "tdesc: wd dd mmm"
-- ### define what to show in the domoticz text device
-- false => show multiple occurrences of a garbagetype (default)
-- true => show one the next occurrence for a unique garbagetype
ShowSinglePerType = false
-- Configuration for the Notificaton system:
NotificationEmailAdress = {'',''} -- Specify multiple Email Addresses for the notifications. Leave empty to skip email notification
Notificationsystem = '' -- Specify notification system eg "telegram/pushover/gcm/http/kodi/lms/nma/prowl/pushalot/pushbullet/pushsafer" leave empty to skip
Notificationscript = '' -- Specify personal notification script/command eg: lua sendmessage.lua "@TEXT@" (where @TEXT@ will be replaced by the notification text.)
-- Define how the title and bodytext should look
-- @DAY@ ==> Will be replaced by notificationtoday; notificationtomorrow; notificationlonger depending on the days difference.
-- @GARBAGEDATE@ ==> Will be replaced by the pickup date found on the schedule data
-- @GARBAGETEXT@ ==> Will be replaced by the text from garbagetype_cfg[].text field
--### Dutch example
notificationtitle = 'GarbageCalendar: @DAY@ de @GARBAGETEXT@ aan de weg zetten!'
notificationtext = '@GARBAGETEXT@ wordt @DAY@ opgehaald!'
notificationtoday = 'vandaag'
notificationtomorrow = 'morgen'
notificationlonger = 'over @DAYS@ dagen'
--### English example
--~ notificationtitle = 'GarbageCalendar: @GARBAGETEXT@ will be picked up in @DAY@!'
--~ notificationtext = 'Put the @GARBAGETEXT@ out as it will be picked up @DAY@.!'
--~ notificationtoday = 'today'
--~ notificationtomorrow = 'tomorrow'
--~ notificationlonger = 'in @DAYS@ days'
-- ### define a line for each garbage type returned by the webrequest.
-- Look at the Domoticz log for any missing records as they will be displayed there and can be just copy/pasted in.
-- Fields description:
-- hour & min ==> the time the check needs to be performed and notification send when daysbefore is true
-- daysbefore ==> 0 means that the notification is send on the day of the planned garbage collection
-- daysbefore ==> X means that the notification is send X day(s) before the day of the planned garbage collection
-- reminder ==> Will send a second reminder after x hours. 0=no reminder (needs to be in the same day!)
-- text ==> define the text for the notification and Text Device.
-- The "reloaddata" entry is required to run the background process to update the data one time per day.
-- The "dummy" entry can be used to force reading the data, update the Domoticz text device and see if there are any errors or missing garbadge types.
garbagetype_cfg = {
-- Add any missing records below this line
["Plastic, Metaal en Drankkartons"] ={hour=19,min=22,daysbefore=1,reminder=0,text="pmd"},
["gft"] ={hour=19,min=22,daysbefore=1,reminder=0,text="gft"},
["papier"] ={hour=19,min=22,daysbefore=1,reminder=0,text="papier"},
-- Add any missing records above this line
["reloaddata"] ={hour=02,min=30,daysbefore=0,reminder=0,text="trigger for reloading data from website into"},
["dummy1"] ={hour=02,min=30,daysbefore=0,reminder=0,text="dummy to trigger testing"}}
-- Language options Dutch
-- Date/day info:
-- Language options English
-- Date/day info:
--~ daysoftheweek={"Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"}
--~ ShortMonth={"Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","Mei","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Okt","Nov","Dec"}
--~ LongMonth={"January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"}
I am not able to download the other two log files with filezilla.
hope you can do with this.