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Re: Python Plugin : Broadlink RM2 V4

Posted: Friday 02 November 2018 12:11
by fvdp80
You could have saved yourself a lot of trouble by checking my post of 19 october.
But glad you managed to get it up and running.

Import device

Posted: Tuesday 13 November 2018 20:21
by RueDesButtes
RPI3 + Raspbian Stretch + Domoticz stable V4.9700 + RM PRO+

It looks like I am close to use the Broadlink inside Domoticz,
I am stuck now with the import function, no button is active:
  • webstart
  • import
  • generate
Spoiler: show
2018-11-13 20:03:28.414 (RMPRO) Pushing 'onHeartbeatCallback' on to queue
2018-11-13 20:03:28.464 (RMPRO) Processing 'onHeartbeatCallback' message
2018-11-13 20:03:28.464 (RMPRO) Calling message handler 'onHeartbeat'.
2018-11-13 20:03:58.419 (RMPRO) Pushing 'onHeartbeatCallback' on to queue
2018-11-13 20:03:58.466 (RMPRO) Processing 'onHeartbeatCallback' message
2018-11-13 20:03:58.466 (RMPRO) Calling message handler 'onHeartbeat'.
2018-11-13 20:03:59.121 (RMPRO) Pushing 'onCommandCallback' on to queue
2018-11-13 20:03:59.168 (RMPRO) Processing 'onCommandCallback' message
2018-11-13 20:03:59.168 (RMPRO) Calling message handler 'onCommand'.
2018-11-13 20:03:59.168 (RMPRO) onCommand called for Unit 255: Parameter 'Set Level', Level: 10 , Connected : True
2018-11-13 20:03:59.191 (RMPRO - Import) Updating device from 0:'Off' to have values 0:'Off'.
2018-11-13 20:03:59.202 (RMPRO) Update 0:'Off' (RMPRO - Import)
2018-11-13 20:03:59.120 Status: User: Admin initiated a switch command (3/RMPRO - Import/Set Level)
2018-11-13 20:03:59.191 Error: (RMPRO) 127
2018-11-13 20:03:59.191 Error: (RMPRO) /domoticz/plugins/BroadlinkRM2/ 9000 /domoticz/plugins/BroadlinkRM2/ini
2018-11-13 20:03:59.191 Error: (RMPRO) None
2018-11-13 20:03:59.202 Error: (RMPRO) Not able to start Web server
2018-11-13 20:04:21.940 (RMPRO) Pushing 'onCommandCallback' on to queue
2018-11-13 20:04:21.941 (RMPRO) Processing 'onCommandCallback' message
2018-11-13 20:04:21.941 (RMPRO) Calling message handler 'onCommand'.
2018-11-13 20:04:21.941 (RMPRO) onCommand called for Unit 255: Parameter 'Set Level', Level: 30 , Connected : True
2018-11-13 20:04:21.952 (RMPRO) No ini files found
2018-11-13 20:04:21.952 (RMPRO - Import) Updating device from 0:'Off' to have values 0:'Off'.
2018-11-13 20:04:21.960 (RMPRO) Update 0:'Off' (RMPRO - Import)
2018-11-13 20:04:21.939 Status: User: Admin initiated a switch command (3/RMPRO - Import/Set Level)
2018-11-13 20:04:28.423 (RMPRO) Pushing 'onHeartbeatCallback' on to queue
2018-11-13 20:04:28.471 (RMPRO) Processing 'onHeartbeatCallback' message
2018-11-13 20:04:28.471 (RMPRO) Calling message handler 'onHeartbeat'.
2018-11-13 20:04:58.428 (RMPRO) Pushing 'onHeartbeatCallback' on to queue
2018-11-13 20:04:58.473 (RMPRO) Processing 'onHeartbeatCallback' message
2018-11-13 20:04:58.473 (RMPRO) Calling message handler 'onHeartbeat'.
2018-11-13 20:05:23.557 (RMPRO) Pushing 'onCommandCallback' on to queue
2018-11-13 20:05:23.567 (RMPRO) Processing 'onCommandCallback' message
2018-11-13 20:05:23.567 (RMPRO) Calling message handler 'onCommand'.
2018-11-13 20:05:23.567 (RMPRO) onCommand called for Unit 255: Parameter 'Set Level', Level: 20 , Connected : True
2018-11-13 20:05:23.556 Status: User: Admin initiated a switch command (3/RMPRO - Import/Set Level)
2018-11-13 20:05:23.594 Error: (RMPRO) 'onCommand' failed 'FileNotFoundError'.
2018-11-13 20:05:23.594 Error: (RMPRO) ----> Line 264 in /domoticz/plugins/BroadlinkRM2/, function onCommand
2018-11-13 20:05:23.594 Error: (RMPRO) ----> Line 825 in /domoticz/plugins/BroadlinkRM2/, function createIniImport


Re: Import device

Posted: Friday 16 November 2018 18:33
by zak45
RueDesButtes wrote: Tuesday 13 November 2018 20:21 Hello,
RPI3 + Raspbian Stretch + Domoticz stable V4.9700 + RM PRO+

It looks like I am close to use the Broadlink inside Domoticz,
I am stuck now with the import function, no button is active:
  • webstart
  • import
  • generate
Can you put in debug mode and post the result ?

Re: Python Plugin : Broadlink RM2 V4

Posted: Sunday 18 November 2018 15:44
by adirc
Hi all, I'm new and trying to make this plugin work.
Using Win 10 and latest stable app
Im currently stuck with the message
"Error: (BroadlinkRM2) failed to load '', Python Path used was ..."
I tried to install and uninstall different Python versions, only 3.4
Let me install the plugin since crypto demanded it...but from.that step, I get the error above...
Any clue?
Thanks ms for any help

Re: Python Plugin : Broadlink RM2 V4

Posted: Sunday 18 November 2018 17:42
by zak45
adirc wrote: Sunday 18 November 2018 15:44 Hi all, I'm new and trying to make this plugin work.
Using Win 10 and latest stable app
Im currently stuck with the message
"Error: (BroadlinkRM2) failed to load '', Python Path used was ..."
I tried to install and uninstall different Python versions, only 3.4
Let me install the plugin since crypto demanded it...but from.that step, I get the error above...
Any clue?
Thanks ms for any help
if you go to domoticz / about let show what you have.
this is mine:

About Domoticz
Version: 4.10171
Build Hash: 8dd6677b
Compile Date: 2018-11-04 09:34:57
dzVents Version: 2.4.7
Python Version: 3.5.3 (v3.5.3:1880cb95a742, Jan 16 2017, 15:51:26) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)]

Re: Python Plugin : Broadlink RM2 V4

Posted: Monday 19 November 2018 2:29
by hose2001
febalci wrote: Tuesday 23 October 2018 22:47 UPDATE: I used stretch raspbian 2018-10-09 version with domoticz 4.9700. You definitely have to pip3 uninstall pycryptodome. No need to install Crypto or libcurl4 or libssl. Just for your info. Works as a charm now. So in total:

Code: Select all

curl -L | sudo bash

sudo pip3 install broadlink
sudo pip3 install pyaes

sudo pip3 uninstall pycryptodome

copy plugin files to plugins/broadlink/
chmod +x
chmod +x
chmod +x
chmod +x
sudo service domoticz restart
Tnx that work for me. I see broadlink (rm3 mini) in hardware and switches but when I try learn new IR code from IRcontrol I got very often this log:

2018-11-19 01:58:39.172 (Broadlink) b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
2018-11-19 01:58:39.172 (Broadlink) 000000000000000000000000
2018-11-19 01:58:39.172 (Broadlink) Code stored in memory
2018-11-19 01:58:39.172 (Broadlink - Command) Updating device from 0:'Off' to have values 1:'20'.
2018-11-19 01:58:39.181 (Broadlink) Update 1:'20' (Broadlink - Command)

later when I put test button, broatlink no sending IR code (no blink white LED). I need about 10 attempts and I gets the correct code and then test button eorks correctly and I can save IR ccode.

Re: Python Plugin : Broadlink RM2 V4

Posted: Monday 19 November 2018 12:18
by zak45
hose2001 wrote: Monday 19 November 2018 2:29 Tnx that work for me. I see broadlink (rm3 mini) in hardware and switches but when I try learn new IR code from IRcontrol I got very often this log:

2018-11-19 01:58:39.172 (Broadlink) b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
2018-11-19 01:58:39.172 (Broadlink) 000000000000000000000000
2018-11-19 01:58:39.172 (Broadlink) Code stored in memory
2018-11-19 01:58:39.172 (Broadlink - Command) Updating device from 0:'Off' to have values 1:'20'.
2018-11-19 01:58:39.181 (Broadlink) Update 1:'20' (Broadlink - Command)

later when I put test button, broatlink no sending IR code (no blink white LED). I need about 10 attempts and I gets the correct code and then test button eorks correctly and I can save IR ccode.
You need to be very close the broadlink device during learning process....

Re: Python Plugin : Broadlink RM2 V4

Posted: Monday 19 November 2018 18:06
by hose2001
zak45 wrote: Monday 19 November 2018 12:18
hose2001 wrote: Monday 19 November 2018 2:29 Tnx that work for me. I see broadlink (rm3 mini) in hardware and switches but when I try learn new IR code from IRcontrol I got very often this log:

2018-11-19 01:58:39.172 (Broadlink) b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
2018-11-19 01:58:39.172 (Broadlink) 000000000000000000000000
2018-11-19 01:58:39.172 (Broadlink) Code stored in memory
2018-11-19 01:58:39.172 (Broadlink - Command) Updating device from 0:'Off' to have values 1:'20'.
2018-11-19 01:58:39.181 (Broadlink) Update 1:'20' (Broadlink - Command)

later when I put test button, broatlink no sending IR code (no blink white LED). I need about 10 attempts and I gets the correct code and then test button eorks correctly and I can save IR ccode.
You need to be very close the broadlink device during learning process....
I'm 5-10 cm from broadlink when during learning process. Restart service domoticz help but only for once code learning. I have the last version of the firmware broadlink v55. Log debug:

2018-11-19 17:59:34.899 (Broadlink) All plugin system is on pause for 5s...
2018-11-19 17:59:34.899 (Broadlink) When Broadlink led is lit press the button on your remote within 5 seconds
2018-11-19 17:59:34.877 Status: User: Admin initiated a switch command (24/Broadlink - Command/Set Level)
2018-11-19 17:59:40.408 (Broadlink) b'&\x00h\x00\x00\x014\x90\x16\x10\x12\x14\x15\x10\x15\x10\x13\x13\x16\x0f\x16\x10\x12\x14\x154\x137\x165\x137\x137\x165\x155\x128\x16\x10\x12\x14\x146\x12\x13\x15\x10\x16\x10\x137\x16\x10\x128\x165\x15\x10\x156\x146\x128\x16\x0f\x137\x16\x00\x05\x18\x00\x014G\x12\x00\x0cK\x00\x012H\x15\x00\x0cH\x00\x015F\x13\x00\x0cJ\x00\x014G\x13\x00\r\x05'
2018-11-19 17:59:40.414 (Broadlink) 260068000001349016101214151015101313160f161012141534133716351337133716351535123816101214143612131510161013371610123816351510153614361238160f1337160005180001344712000c4b0001324815000c480001354613000c4a0001344713000d05
2018-11-19 17:59:40.414 (Broadlink) Code stored in memory
2018-11-19 17:59:40.414 (Broadlink - Command) Updating device from 1:'10' to have values 1:'20'.
2018-11-19 17:59:40.422 (Broadlink) Update 1:'20' (Broadlink - Command)
2018-11-19 17:59:49.273 (Broadlink) Pushing 'onCommandCallback' on to queue
2018-11-19 17:59:49.287 (Broadlink) Processing 'onCommandCallback' message
2018-11-19 17:59:49.287 (Broadlink) Calling message handler 'onCommand'.
2018-11-19 17:59:49.287 (Broadlink) onCommand called for Unit 1: Parameter 'Set Level', Level: 20 , Connected : True
2018-11-19 17:59:49.288 (Broadlink) b'&\x00h\x00\x00\x014\x90\x16\x10\x12\x14\x15\x10\x15\x10\x13\x13\x16\x0f\x16\x10\x12\x14\x154\x137\x165\x137\x137\x165\x155\x128\x16\x10\x12\x14\x146\x12\x13\x15\x10\x16\x10\x137\x16\x10\x128\x165\x15\x10\x156\x146\x128\x16\x0f\x137\x16\x00\x05\x18\x00\x014G\x12\x00\x0cK\x00\x012H\x15\x00\x0cH\x00\x015F\x13\x00\x0cJ\x00\x014G\x13\x00\r\x05'
2018-11-19 17:59:49.355 (Broadlink) Code Sent....
2018-11-19 17:59:49.272 Status: User: Admin initiated a switch command (24/Broadlink - Command/Set Level)
2018-11-19 17:59:51.160 (Broadlink) Pushing 'onCommandCallback' on to queue
2018-11-19 17:59:51.208 (Broadlink) Processing 'onCommandCallback' message
2018-11-19 17:59:51.208 (Broadlink) Calling message handler 'onCommand'.
2018-11-19 17:59:51.208 (Broadlink) onCommand called for Unit 1: Parameter 'Set Level', Level: 30 , Connected : True
2018-11-19 17:59:51.214 (Broadlink) ini file creation..../home/pi/domoticz/broadlink/BroadlinkRM2-6-8.ini
2018-11-19 17:59:51.214 (Broadlink) Creating device '6-8 '.
2018-11-19 17:59:51.216 (Broadlink) <b> Command line : "/home/pi/domoticz/plugins/broadlink/" /home/pi/domoticz/broadlink/BroadlinkRM2-6-8.ini </b>
2018-11-19 17:59:51.217 (Broadlink - Command) Updating device from 1:'20' to have values 1:'10'.
2018-11-19 17:59:51.225 (Broadlink) Update 1:'10' (Broadlink - Command)
2018-11-19 17:59:51.160 Status: User: Admin initiated a switch command (24/Broadlink - Command/Set Level)
2018-11-19 17:59:56.918 (Xiaomi Gateway) Light/Switch (PIR Salon)
2018-11-19 18:00:00.033 Status: Starting automatic database backup procedure...
2018-11-19 18:00:00.153 Status: Ending automatic database backup procedure...
2018-11-19 18:00:01.896 (Broadlink) Pushing 'onHeartbeatCallback' on to queue
2018-11-19 18:00:01.942 (Broadlink) Processing 'onHeartbeatCallback' message
2018-11-19 18:00:01.942 (Broadlink) Calling message handler 'onHeartbeat'.
2018-11-19 18:00:06.428 (Broadlink) Pushing 'CPluginMessageBase' on to queue
2018-11-19 18:00:06.452 (Broadlink) Processing 'CPluginMessageBase' message
2018-11-19 18:00:06.452 (Broadlink) Message handler 'onDeviceModified' not callable, ignored.
2018-11-19 18:00:06.428 Status: EventSystem: reset all device statuses...
2018-11-19 18:00:12.638 (Broadlink) Pushing 'onCommandCallback' on to queue
2018-11-19 18:00:12.663 (Broadlink) Processing 'onCommandCallback' message
2018-11-19 18:00:12.663 (Broadlink) Calling message handler 'onCommand'.
2018-11-19 18:00:12.663 (Broadlink) onCommand called for Unit 1: Parameter 'Set Level', Level: 10 , Connected : True
2018-11-19 18:00:12.663 (Broadlink) All plugin system is on pause for 5s...
2018-11-19 18:00:12.663 (Broadlink) When Broadlink led is lit press the button on your remote within 5 seconds
2018-11-19 18:00:12.637 Status: User: Admin initiated a switch command (24/Broadlink - Command/Set Level)
2018-11-19 18:00:17.671 (Broadlink) b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
2018-11-19 18:00:17.671 (Broadlink) 000000000000000000000000
2018-11-19 18:00:17.671 (Broadlink) Code stored in memory
2018-11-19 18:00:17.671 (Broadlink - Command) Updating device from 1:'10' to have values 1:'20'.
2018-11-19 18:00:17.680 (Broadlink) Update 1:'20' (Broadlink - Command)
2018-11-19 18:00:22.931 (Broadlink) Pushing 'onCommandCallback' on to queue
2018-11-19 18:00:22.939 (Broadlink) Processing 'onCommandCallback' message
2018-11-19 18:00:22.939 (Broadlink) Calling message handler 'onCommand'.
2018-11-19 18:00:22.939 (Broadlink) onCommand called for Unit 1: Parameter 'Set Level', Level: 10 , Connected : True
2018-11-19 18:00:22.939 (Broadlink) All plugin system is on pause for 5s...
2018-11-19 18:00:22.939 (Broadlink) When Broadlink led is lit press the button on your remote within 5 seconds
2018-11-19 18:00:22.931 Status: User: Admin initiated a switch command (24/Broadlink - Command/Set Level)
2018-11-19 18:00:27.947 (Broadlink) b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
2018-11-19 18:00:27.947 (Broadlink) 000000000000000000000000
2018-11-19 18:00:27.947 (Broadlink) Code stored in memory
2018-11-19 18:00:31.065 (Broadlink) Pushing 'onCommandCallback' on to queue
2018-11-19 18:00:31.102 (Broadlink) Processing 'onCommandCallback' message
2018-11-19 18:00:31.102 (Broadlink) Calling message handler 'onCommand'.
2018-11-19 18:00:31.103 (Broadlink) onCommand called for Unit 1: Parameter 'Set Level', Level: 10 , Connected : True
2018-11-19 18:00:31.103 (Broadlink) All plugin system is on pause for 5s...
2018-11-19 18:00:31.103 (Broadlink) When Broadlink led is lit press the button on your remote within 5 seconds
2018-11-19 18:00:31.900 (Broadlink) Pushing 'onHeartbeatCallback' on to queue
2018-11-19 18:00:31.065 Status: User: Admin initiated a switch command (24/Broadlink - Command/Set Level)
2018-11-19 18:00:36.110 (Broadlink) b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
2018-11-19 18:00:36.111 (Broadlink) 000000000000000000000000
2018-11-19 18:00:36.111 (Broadlink) Code stored in memory

Re: Python Plugin : Broadlink RM2 V4

Posted: Tuesday 20 November 2018 18:06
by zak45
need to check deeply... as workaround, you can use the application and import the code.

Re: Python Plugin : Broadlink RM2 V4

Posted: Thursday 22 November 2018 13:09
by hose2001
zak45 wrote: Tuesday 20 November 2018 18:06 @hose2001
need to check deeply... as workaround, you can use the application and import the code.
Ok thx, I imported *.ini from e-control it"s work fine. but I have anothrer problem. Domoticz with broadlink works okey for one day. When I try connect to domoticz in next day - domoticz offline. Raspberry no response for ping or ssh and every morning is this same.
Only reboot can help.

My device:
Raspberry Pi 3
Raspbian 2018-10-09-raspbian-stretch-lite
Broadlink RM3 mini
Plugin broadlink 0.9
Domoticz Version 4.9700 (June 23th 2018) stable

I installed from this instruction:

sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo pip3 install broadlink
sudo pip3 install pyaes
sudo pip3 uninstall pycryptodome

copy plugin files to plugins/broadlink/
chmod +x
chmod +x
chmod +x
chmod +x
sudo service domoticz restart

Re: Python Plugin : Broadlink RM2 V4

Posted: Friday 23 November 2018 13:24
by moo2089
I use that plugin without issues in last couple of months with one RM3 mini.
I wolud like to attach one more RM3 mini to my system.
Are there known issues with 2 ir device (same type/model) using under same domoticz/plugin, as i dont want to install one more domoticz server.
thanks in advance;

Re: Python Plugin : Broadlink RM2 V4

Posted: Saturday 24 November 2018 17:23
by zak45
moo2089 wrote: Friday 23 November 2018 13:24 Hi,
I use that plugin without issues in last couple of months with one RM3 mini.
I wolud like to attach one more RM3 mini to my system.
Are there known issues with 2 ir device (same type/model) using under same domoticz/plugin, as i dont want to install one more domoticz server.
thanks in advance;
you should be able to have more than once.

Re: Python Plugin : Broadlink RM2 V4

Posted: Sunday 25 November 2018 23:23
by kubrik
zak45 wrote: Thursday 01 November 2018 16:18

Sorry you have trouble, but not really related to broadlink plugin itself. once you have a system with python installed in right way, as required for Domoticz, you should not have problem to run broadlink plugin. I'm not able to provide lots of help on linux, I run all my system on Windows.

But happy to see that you have been able to have it running again
Hi zak45,
i've a working domoticz (3.8796) with a working plugin in a raspbian jessie.
I've tried to upgrade domoticz both stable or last beta version, but domoticz stop work...untill i disable the broadlink plugin (viewtopic.php?f=6&t=25751)
So i don't think it's a python issue (it's working with actual domoticz version).
Can you give me some hints?

Re: Python Plugin : Broadlink RM2 V4

Posted: Monday 26 November 2018 1:09
by kubrik
Perhaps i'm seeing the light....
after i've upgraded the plugin to 4.1 (and not only domoticz) i got this error:
2018-11-26 00:51:08.425 [751d1430] Error: Thread 25 (Thread 0x751d1430 (LWP 29937)):
2018-11-26 00:51:08.426 [751d1430] Error: #0 0x76e45ef8 in __libc_waitpid (pid=29967, stat_loc=0x751cb0d0, options=0) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/waitpid.c:40
2018-11-26 00:51:08.426 [751d1430] Error: #1 0x002c7998 in dumpstack_gdb(bool) ()
2018-11-26 00:51:08.426 [751d1430] Error: #2 0x002c7f84 in signal_handler(int, siginfo_t*, void*) ()
2018-11-26 00:51:08.426 [751d1430] Error: #3 <signal handler called>
2018-11-26 00:51:08.426 [751d1430] Error: #4 0x0071fa30 in engine_unlocked_finish ()
2018-11-26 00:51:08.426 [751d1430] Error: #5 0x0071fc28 in ENGINE_finish ()
2018-11-26 00:51:08.426 [751d1430] Error: #6 0x0072246c in EVP_MD_CTX_reset ()
2018-11-26 00:51:08.426 [751d1430] Error: #7 0x00722a50 in EVP_MD_CTX_copy ()
2018-11-26 00:51:08.426 [751d1430] Error: #8 0x684baa5c in ?? () from /usr/lib/python3.4/lib-dynload/
Then i moved away this folder:
mv /usr/lib/python3.4/lib-dynload /usr/lib/python3.4/lib-dynload.old
Domoticz started and plugin seems to work...i'll do some tests in these days...

ps: If i switch back to old domoticz version with plugin 3.0, i'd to move back also that lib folder.

Re: Python Plugin : Broadlink RM2 V4

Posted: Wednesday 28 November 2018 23:50
by hose2001
Hey zak45,
I see that You have domoticz on windows.
I really want your plugin to work stably on domoticz, that's why I changed the system. I have a problem installing your plugin on windows. I installed python 3.5.3 and when I run setup.exe as an administrator, I have such an error. I copied files to C: / ProgramFiles x86 / Domoticz / plugins / BroadlinkRM2. I have no broadlink on the device list. I'm sorry but I've used domoticz on raspberry / raspbian before and I'm a bit lost here.
Can you help and write a detailed installation guide?
Thank you in advance
1.PNG (337.96 KiB) Viewed 2102 times
2.PNG (40.71 KiB) Viewed 2102 times

Re: Python Plugin : Broadlink RM2 V4

Posted: Thursday 29 November 2018 0:30
by hose2001
hose2001 wrote: Wednesday 28 November 2018 23:50 Hey zak45,
I see that You have domoticz on windows.
I really want your plugin to work stably on domoticz, that's why I changed the system. I have a problem installing your plugin on windows. I installed python 3.5.3 and when I run setup.exe as an administrator, I have such an error. I copied files to C: / ProgramFiles x86 / Domoticz / plugins / BroadlinkRM2. I have no broadlink on the device list. I'm sorry but I've used domoticz on raspberry / raspbian before and I'm a bit lost here.
Can you help and write a detailed installation guide?
Thank you in advance
Here log after restart domoticz
Przechwytywanieee.PNG (82.28 KiB) Viewed 2097 times

Re: Python Plugin : Broadlink RM2 V4

Posted: Thursday 29 November 2018 8:49
by hose2001
hose2001 wrote: Thursday 29 November 2018 0:30
hose2001 wrote: Wednesday 28 November 2018 23:50 Hey zak45,
I see that You have domoticz on windows.
I really want your plugin to work stably on domoticz, that's why I changed the system. I have a problem installing your plugin on windows. I installed python 3.5.3 and when I run setup.exe as an administrator, I have such an error. I copied files to C: / ProgramFiles x86 / Domoticz / plugins / BroadlinkRM2. I have no broadlink on the device list. I'm sorry but I've used domoticz on raspberry / raspbian before and I'm a bit lost here.
Can you help and write a detailed installation guide?
Thank you in advance
Here log after restart domoticz
Ok work I must install python 3.5.3 but x86 version (I foud this info on forum in Broadlink RM v3 topic) and today morning still working yupii :D.
Thank You zak45 for this plugin great work.

Re: Python Plugin : Broadlink RM2 V4

Posted: Thursday 29 November 2018 15:33
by zak45
Nice you have it work
But should Also work on pi...

Re: Python Plugin : Broadlink RM2 V4 - A1

Posted: Thursday 06 December 2018 14:09
by Sticz
I have 3 question after installing the broad link A1 sensor.
1: the edit function to adjust the temperature doesn’t seem to work after pressing update nothing happened?
2: what is the proper folder for Folder to store ini files (RM2/RM mini3): I point at /home/pi/domoticz/ but not sure that the one
3: what doest the debug on of function do … its set to off but the log domoticz file is still flooded with messages
thanks for your help

Re: Python Plugin : Broadlink RM2 V4 - A1

Posted: Saturday 08 December 2018 22:41
by zak45
Sticz wrote: Thursday 06 December 2018 14:09 I have 3 question after installing the broad link A1 sensor.
1: the edit function to adjust the temperature doesn’t seem to work after pressing update nothing happened?
2: what is the proper folder for Folder to store ini files (RM2/RM mini3): I point at /home/pi/domoticz/ but not sure that the one
3: what doest the debug on of function do … its set to off but the log domoticz file is still flooded with messages
thanks for your help
1: not managed
2: folder where you can keep safe your ini files, not domoticz folder itself, during upgrade can be lost.
3: debug provide much more information. normal operation, need to be unset