Hi,micbou wrote:Correct, so how do you suggest I'd set it up. So I want my light to turn on when the light in the room is under an x-amount of Lux (MotionSensor6), but only when motion is detected in the living room. If there hasnt been any motion for >15 minutes the lights need to be turned off.Thomasdc wrote:i think The problem you have is:micbou wrote:Also I want to make my light turns off after 20 minuten of no activity, but this doesnt seem to work. Instead it just shuts off the lights 20 minutes after it's in turned 'off' state.
Schermafbeelding 2016-06-11 om 22.58.58.png
1) motionsensors turnes off
2) command to turn lights off after 1200 seconds (timer starts running)
3) motionsenser turns on again because of some motion
but even after event '3' the timer of event '2' is still running (timer is still running) so when timer is done.. it will still set your lights off..
so '2' is actualie setting a timer for 1200 seconds.. once the time is up turn the lights off. but once the timer is started.. it cant be stopped anymore so it will always turn your lights independent of other events..
If you have a multisensor you can set the time in the settings menu of the sensor.